We lost one of the two key fobs. Over $200 to replace from dealer. Are there universal or after-market options for less? Thanks! Adrian.
It might depend somewhat on year and model but the likely answer is YES. Call around to a few locksmiths in your area. They usually have (or can get) them for about half the dealers price.
actually, 200 is very reasonable for a dealer. there are many threads here you can research. some have had success, and others haven't.
Yo Adrian; what kind of car/fob do you have? Where are you located? Some fobs can be self programed and purchased on Ebay. Others require someone with appropriate software to do the programming. If you provide a little more information we can provide better answers.
Hello Vancouver Absolutely! Caveat if you have the Smart Entry feature you need to research the replacements with the correct SILVER toyota logo on the back. The others are not programmable. The correct ones are available on Amazon for $118 . THEN google search "Chicken Dance for Prius". It is the programming procedure that you can do on your own without a locksmith. Very easy and takes 30 minutes.
I just bought one on ebay for 104, same dealership that sells them for 115 on Amazon and programmed it myself. I went to home depot and they cut the key for free! It works excellent!
Another option is to buy the ovni key from ovnisf.com. It's $35, I think. You do the chicken dance and it works. Functions limited to starting and getting into your car though. No keyless entry. But a lot cheaper than a fob. We did one as a spare.
I just bought a 2006 Prius 2 days ago and realized I cant lock the car. I was able to take the key out of the fob, but the back cover is stuck and I cannot access the battery. Looking on the PDF manual I see that might be the problem and it makes sense, but am literally stuck. Also the actual key locks on the doors are covered and I cannot insert the key! HELP
After you remove the key the back cover comes off, sometimes they are stuck pretty good and require strong fingers to slide it off if there is years of crud. You need to slide the switch while you slide off the cover see There is only one mechanical lock on the car, on the drivers door. The slide out key from the Fob should unlock / lock the drivers door. If it doesn't get a key made since there will be no easy way to unlock/access the car if the 12V battery dies.
lubricate the lock mechanism with graphite before trying the key, and use a pair of pliers for leverage, but don't twist too hard.