I drove 3 hours tonight to pick up the most adorable kitten. She's 11 weeks old, a tortoiseshell with orange feet. But I'm stuck trying to name her. The options are: Susan B. Anthony Eleanor Roosevelt Both are big names for such a little kitty, but based on her mouth, she'll grow into it. Both are heroines of mine, so I'm committed to one or the other. Please take 10 seconds to give me your preference. I'd REALLY appreciate it. BTW, on my trip to get her I averaged 55.5 mpg -- my personal best!
Um.... how about Eleanor Roosevelt? No other reason than because you can call her "Ellie" and "Roo-Roo" for short. I'm bad at picking out names too.
What. No Cady Stanton or Madame C. J. Walker? How about Billie Holiday? Of your two choices...I'd choose Eleanor.
My grandpa's name was Roosevelt and everyone called him Rosy... I choose Eleanor Roosevelt. I also like "Tibet"
Hmm... I'd probably pick Eleanor Roosevelt, with either "Ellie" or "Rosie" for short. The first Eleanor Roosevelt ran the country for a while, and a cat is probably capable of doing this too if they set their little kitty minds to it. One comment, both dogs and cats are attuned to a "K" sound, and it is much easier to teach them their name if it has a "K" in it. My pets were named "Tucker" and "Squeak", a dog and a cat respectively. They're both gone now, but the role of family dog is currently being played by "Jackson". Note the "K" in all their names. Jackson was named after the artist Jackson Pollack, and the next dog will probably be a female named after Georgia O'Keefe, or "Keefer" for short. Just a tip. Come to think of it, most cats won't answer to their name even if they know it, so it really is pointless! Dan
When I do name our cats I generally use cat names in books. I named our Birman "Eureka" after the cat in the Wizard of Oz series and our kitten "Pewter" after one of the cats in the Mrs. Murphy mystery series. On the other hand, I named our Prius "Blue Bell" after our cat "Silver Belle."