Thanks, The biggest takeaway is software: Earthshine - works on Macintosh and download should work long enough to confirm it works before paying. Registrator - same idea but on Windows. I use Windows XP on a virtual PC. The 803 has a better camera system to handle low light. I have not posted it but the dashcam I'm using as a 'blooming' effect at night that washes out the detail. With the original lense, it is just dark. I am going to buy another set of lenses based upon my initial testing between 2.8 and 6.0 mm. The 6.0 mm has too narrow field of view for my mounting. Ideally, I will mount the camera centered on the ceiling. With a front and rear view, it will be maximum protected from the sun. My only concern is the rear view mirror blocking forward viewing . . . we will see. Bob Wilson
I like mine because: It's reliable (heat is the biggest enemy). Almost a year with no problems at all. It takes beautiful HD videos (32 GB micro-SD card is good for a week before it overwrites the oldest files). It hides almost out of sight behind the mirror. The videos are geo-tagged to GPS locations, which can be viewed in real-time (with travel speeds) with Google Maps on the built-in app. The camera easily detaches for use as a camcorder or player (built-in video screen) which would be handy at the scene of an accident. It takes still-photos (also handy at an accident scene). I can view the videos on my nav-screen with the included AV cable, or at home, using the unit as a player. The G-sensor will protect any files which were created in association with an impact. The motion-sensor will start it recording (from it's internal battery) whenever it detects movement near your car (if so-selected). I'm sure I left something out, but what a bargain at less than $80.
My favorite... I bought it in August 2013. It's the easiest to use and the most reliable. I've had others, but I find this one the best. It actually recorded an accident. You could make out the woman's face through the driver's side window.
I also use and like the mini 0803. I use only a 8 g card which gives me a bit over 1 hour recording and loops continuously. I do not want to have to down load a large card to get just the last few minutes of video. Mine is mounted out of sight behind the rear view mirror on the passenger side. Mounted with 3M velcro tabs so easily removable and the wiring is easy to put out of sight around the top of windshield, under trim down right door, and under dash to cig lighter. It comes on as soon as you hit the start button and goes off after number on minutes you set it for when the start button turns off the car. The Registrator program does a great job showing your travels with the GPS version. It has a gravity lock to lock the last several minutes of video in an accident. As Greg says look up the youtubes of TechMoan and others for their outstanding testing.
There is now an 0806 newest upgrade. Considerably improved slightly pricier. May be hard to find yet. I intend to get it in February if it is readily available by then.
What I want is a better view around the car: see obscured areas at front and rear bumpers to either side to see on-coming traffic when in a 'blind' drive This will let me see curbs and vehicles front and back. It also covers the blind area that is toddler sized near the bumpers. Bob Wilson
Go Pro. Excellent camera HD and accessories are cheap. You tube go pro. I have one and love it. When not on dash its a palm sized video camera.
So many choices. I visited this site: Dash Cam Talk . See the forums for much debate and discussion. For me, I decided a minimal, discreet camera was preferable to a feature-laden camera. Something I could just put in place and forget about. Ended up buying the Mobius 1080p ActionCam with wide-angle lens. ( 1080p Mobius ActionCam Specifications – ) Rather than try to stick it to the dash or windshield, I attached a sticky magnet to the camera and jury-rigged a magnet on the rearview mirror mount. It's hardly noticeable. It can also be removed and used for manual video capture. (I can imagine wanting to do this in the aftermath of an incident, or if I get abducted by space aliens again.) With its small size, you can slip it in a pocket. Plug it into your PC for playback. As others have noted, there's endless YouTube clips from every camera. This Mobius, because it's so small and light, ends up on flying toys and the like. Yeah, as OP noted, when another car acts "funny", just hang back and let someone else have this dance.
Well I got the 3.6 mm lenses and I like them. Mounted on the passenger side, head-rest, I get a clear image front and back (after I cleaned the rear window.) It works good at night and there is less distortion than the original. The field of view just matches the "A" pillars. I did observe a couple of 'drop outs' in the recording. I'm not sure what is going on so I've formatted the SanDisk UltraPlus U-1 and we'll see what it shows. On a work laptop, the write rate shows 8.9 mB/sec which is less than the expected speed but I was running the software they put on the SD card. Bob Wilson
It looks like the drop-outs occur when the GPS mouse is acting up. It may be a simple task of rigging up a better GPS mount. Bob Wilson