Once I'm finished with my factory additions (JDM LED headlights, fog lights, JDM folding mirrors) we need to do some sort of Bay Area meetup!
I'll be in Sunnyvale tomorrow evening(Sunday). Somewhere between 5-7ish near 85 and El Camino Real. ...or San Carlos next Saturday(technically I'll be working). Pretty random when I get to the South Bay, mostly for work.
What's up guys! Hey, I don't know if you guys are on Facebook at all, but I started a Bay Area Prius group page. Search for this on Facebook. NorCal Prius Owners Group Hope to see you there. I feel we can get a strong membership going and communicate on there as well for meet ups, mod tips, etc. Thanks! Ram T.
My bad, another Bay Area PC member PriusMPG already has a group made for us on Facebook. Check it out and join! SF Bay Area Prius Owners
Anyone available to meetup like on a weeknight until we get a bigger meet together on a weekend. Seems like the Nor Cal Prius Modding community is growing!
Weeknight is tough, running kids around with basketball practice, hula class, and my riding time on the bike. Possibly Friday or Saturday
Impromptu last minute small meet and greet at In N Out Burger in The Pacific Commons Mall in Fremont, CA at 8pm. There is a Mazda Meet there and all other cars are welcome! I know this Is last minute, but would love to meet our growing Bay Area Prius Chat Family. Here's the link - NorCal MOCC 2nd Fridays @ Pacific Commons In-N-Out | Facebook Roll Call: 1. @TopRamen 2. @Johnsk93 3. @Ramtart Sending last minute invite to all the Bay Area Prius Chat members off the top of my head. Please pass this along to anyone you may know or missed (I know I missed a ton). Just a meet and greet and hopefully we can get a bigger NorCal/Bay Area meet going in the future. Thanks! @fatdawg @Derek77 @Sfcyclist @sfprankster @Xterra72 @B2FiNiTY @adizon @Priusmpg @slfare @Danger @Patz75 @CivicRydr @nedear88 @Topher @David2sav @jamessicat408
Here are pics from our last minute meet up last night. Sorry for the bad cell phone pics. John (@Johnsk93) and Joe (@TopRamen) may have better shots hehe. I realized after last night that it's way more fun talking about mods in person checking out each other's cars. (I looked like a 4x4 truck compared to the others on coils and springs lol) There was a small group from another meet that asked us about what's under the hood. We said nothing, lol! Looking forward to having a bigger Bay Area meetup. Cheers!
Sorry for the late reply, I just got back from vacation with my family. Me and @Ramtart were texting about having a gtg soon with @Johnsk93 @Xterra72 and @CndNiN give us a date, time and place. Where in Fremont are you? I live here in Niles. Cheers!
I'm here on Stevenson and fremont blvd, how does this or the next sunday sound? We meet up at my shop, work on our cars a bit then get some lunch, and then go for a drive to santa cruz or something?
How does next Saturday sound? I just got back from Vegas for the fights, @Ramtart @Johnsk93 @CndNiN What do you guys think? Cheers!
Ok guys, short notice mini-meet tomorrow at Blaze Pizza at Pacific Commons mall in Fremont, California at 8p. I will see you guys there at 8:30p, gotta get the kids to bed lol. Hope it doesn't rain too much. Blaze Pizza 43831 Pacific Commons Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538 Roll Call: Kevin C. (SF Bay Area Prius Owners *Facebook Group Page*) Rob C. (SF Bay Area Prius Owners) Topher (SF Bay Area Prius Owners) Joe @TopRamen Ram @Ramtart John T. @Johnsk93 (maybe) Everyone is welcome, spread the word! I know I missed some people. @Xterra72 @sfprankster @JayLn @slfare @Derek77 @fatdawg @Priusmpg For those of you on Facebook, please feel free to join our group page. Just search for: "SF Bay Area Prius Owners"
@makena88 - Steven, sorry forgot about you. This is last minute, but just throwing it out there. Thanks!