<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(windstrings @ Apr 3 2006, 02:38 AM) [snapback]234061[/snapback]</div> No, that was Tom Delay's methodology.
I apologize in advance but you guys have me completely agitated. Angered, frightened, pacing up and down and cussing. You are all so off the mark, can't see the forest for the trees. We are at war. Civilization is threatened. But you're busy pissing down each others' legs and tusseling over Iraq. Iraq is a side theater, a mere early chapter in the story. Iraq and Afghanistan are just the beginning of this War. It might be argued that it started with the bombing of the USS Cole or the taking of the Achiles Laurel. Or as a reaction to Britain's imperialism. The War on Terror (wish we had another name for it - war between fanatical religious stagnation and vibrant civilization?) is real. Bush is right on this one. He has botched the handling of his period but it's here and it's threatening to swallow us whole. One certain way to lose the War is to be unfocused, fragmented, in our response. We have to be smart or we will be defeated. Conventional warfare is not the way to go. Yes, invading Afghanistan was effective in removing the Taliban from power but the follow-through is not complete in that country. It's easy to rally around troop movements on battlefields but that's not where the bulk of the fighting is going to be in this War. Most of the action will be akin to police work, rather than to conventional soldiering. Bloody, slow, house to house fighting, the taking of neighborhoods and then keeping them clear. Allowing folks to move back into their homes and securing their peace. War is nasty business, we'll have to toughen up in order to survive. The lines between civilian and military efforts will blur. Lawyers and diplomats will cut off funding to questionable groups, laws inacted to make aiding and abetting terrorist activities unpalatable. Groups like the Red Cross must learn to interact effectively with military efforts in response to all disasters, man-made or natural. Civilians must learn to make sacrifices in the areas of energy use and goods consumption. Conservation should become a way of life. Our standard of living will decrease, hopefully voluntarily. We must stop purchasing illegal recreational drugs, soliciting international porn and promoting the sex slave trade. Those activites help fund terror. Politicians must protect individual liberties during this time of war, citizens become willing to pay the price in increased danger in their daily lives because of those freedoms. Every citizen should become alert keep aware. How the heck did those flight instructors not become alarmed when students were disinterested in learning how to land a plane? Those sorts of mistakes should no longer be made. Daniel, this doesn't mean wanting peace is wrong. You just don't get to have it within your lifetime.
"Conventional warfare is not the way to go" Exactly right. And that is why it was wrong to invade Iraq, and would be wrong to invade Iran. As far as the danger of religious fanaticism - again I totally abhor it, whether of the muslim variety or the born again Christian variety.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ Apr 5 2006, 10:10 AM) [snapback]235226[/snapback]</div> Invading Iran would be a waste of time, lives (civilian and military) and money. We don't have to invade Iran. The whole world knows exactly where their nuclear plants are. We simply give warning and then drop bombs. If we play our cards right, we could even get the "go ahead" for the bombing from the UN. Hmm. Maybe we should coordinate simultaneous hits on North Korea's nuclear sites. Yes, I know. But I'm not a blood-thirsty war monger, maybe just a power-wielding, pissed-off pragmatist. Willing to do the world a favor and defang a couple of nuclear-power wannabes. Could we possibly convince China to hit N. Korea's sites while we take out Iran's? Or sit back and let the Israelis target Iran's? And, yes, I still can't believe the world allowed Iran to get away with taking our embassy back in 1979. The "students" violated every historical diplomatic code and got away with it!
"maybe just a power-wielding, pissed-off pragmatist" I'm glad someone on this forum has real power. Use it wisely.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ Apr 5 2006, 10:38 AM) [snapback]235237[/snapback]</div> Oh please. A scarcastic response is pointless. Those in "real power" don't have time to read PC and have likely already considered the options I listed. Remember, the US is a republic. That means whatever the government does, it does in our names. We invaded Iraq, we are in the middle of a war, if the US invades or bombs Iran, you and I must take responsibility for that. If you don't like what your government is doing, get on the horn and let them know. Write to your reps, call them, organize and participate in marches, vote them out of office if you don't like their policies. Since you're a US citizen and the US is the current superpower, it's through your government that you affect the world. You might be surprised by how much power you do have.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ Apr 5 2006, 10:38 AM) [snapback]235237[/snapback]</div> On second thought, you're right! Why am I spending time with losers, politician wannabes? I'm out of here!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Apr 5 2006, 01:34 AM) [snapback]235106[/snapback]</div> Nauru, Seychelles, Kiribati you MORON! Ohh did you perhaps want me to go back to the times of Homo erectus??? Quick, Quick, check wikipedia... :lol: :lol: :lol: yes, you are a RETARD. I am from Pitcairn, you DOPE, far from being a froggie!
Spunky, Squid, Wildkow et al Disregard the likes of Jared2, HybridtheVibe they are nothing but TROLLS trying to piss off good men. They are obviously from Brokeback Mountain or maybe Pitcairn.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hybridTHEvibe @ Apr 5 2006, 10:58 AM) [snapback]235364[/snapback]</div> I asked you two simple questions and you ignored the first (as I suspected) and incorrectly answered the second... I ask again I would like to understand why his (Windstrings) point is invalid until he "defines" who his enemy is? Can you explain your point? Name a country that is free without having a war or some type of armed conflict. If not, a reasonable assumption is that you can not have a "Land of Free" or peace without war or some type of bloodshed. Remember . . . Tis better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. Nauru: Nauru existed as an independent island society until it was annexed by Germany in 1888 as part of the Marshall Islands Protectorate. In November 1914 Nauru was seized by Australian troops and remained in British control until 1921. When World War 2 broke out in September 1939, the British Phosphate Commissioners were mining and shipping phosphate at the rate of 1.25 million tons per annum. As was inevitable, serious difficulties were soon experienced. Tragic events occurred in quick succession and Nauru, as well as Ocean Island (Banaba), were subsequently occupied by the Japanese for over three years. Seychelles: The first recorded landing on the uninhabited Seychelles was made in 1609 by an expedition of the British East India Company. The archipelago was explored by the Frenchman Lazare Picault in 1742 and 1744 and was formally annexed to France in 1756. The archipelago was named Séchelles, later changed by the British to Seychelles. War between France and Britain led to the surrender of the archipelago to the British in 1810, and it was formally ceded to Great Britain by the Treaty of Paris in 1814. In 1970 Seychelles obtained a new constitution, universal adult suffrage, and a governing council with an elected majority; self-government was granted in 1975 and independence in 1976 (within the Commonwealth of Nations). In 1975 a coalition government, with James R. Mancham as president and France-Albert René as prime minister, was formed. In 1977 René became president in a coup d'état. In 1979 a new constitution transformed Seychelles into a one-party socialist state, with René's Seychelles People's Progressive Front (SPPF) designated the only legal party. This change was not popular with many Seychellois, and during the 1980s there were several coup attempts. Kiribati: Japan seized the islands in 1941. On November 21, 1943, American forces launched their first penetration of Japan's ring of island defenses by attacking the Tarawa islet of Betio. Tarawa Atoll was the setting for one of the bloodiest battles in the Pacific and was a major turning point in the war for the Allies. Your ability to read and comprehend anything more intellectuality challenging than a child's history book, your civility as well as your lineage remain in question. I'm sure you will remove all doubt with your next poorly researched, insult laden reply. Wildkow p.s. My sources? A multitude of easily searched sources, found with Google.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Apr 6 2006, 12:40 AM) [snapback]235718[/snapback]</div> Would you care to get back to my post? While you google so much, have you found a source for your wonderful creation "WE HAVE SAVED EVERYBODY'S nice person" during WWII? Already gone, no wonder! Where are you? :blink:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(imntacrook @ Apr 5 2006, 09:14 PM) [snapback]235704[/snapback]</div> With stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. Friedrich von Schiller Truth is generally the best vindication against slander. Abraham Lincoln <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Spunky @ Apr 5 2006, 07:36 AM) [snapback]235231[/snapback]</div> Couldn't agree more except about the warning part. The Iranian's have way to much Air Defence in the area OTOH we do have the B2 so they will never know for sure who it was. Wildkow <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Spunky @ Apr 5 2006, 07:03 AM) [snapback]235223[/snapback]</div> Hmmmm. . . let me help you with your spelling. Conservatism should become a way of life. Oh AlllRight. . . Geeez one more thing if you insist. . . Moderate Conservatism should become a way of life. Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Apr 6 2006, 12:40 AM) [snapback]235718[/snapback]</div> Dude, you just proved you are an idiot again. You are so dumb and shallow. I guess your political science classes aren't any help in your deep Google researches. Nauru gained independence in 1968 Kiribati gained independence in 1979 Seychelles gained independence in 1976 None of these geographical regions existed as an independent countries prior these dates. They were either colonies, protectorates or simply forcefully annexed by warring colonial powers in the same manner as Native Americans were prior to the United States existence, prior 1776. Are you claiming that Sioux Indians prior Colombus' arrival are part of the official United States history? You are a joke, moron, and an idiot.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Spunky @ Apr 5 2006, 11:56 AM) [snapback]235284[/snapback]</div> I hope you'll come back, I must admit that I've always enjoyed reading your interesting posts, full of sound and resolute analysis always counterbalancing all those who seem to love wars for the sake of war loving. Geez you guys, Spunky is gone so is MaggieD and JackDodge with Jack06, I've truly missed the posts of all those as they have been the bastions of reasoning despite of any political leaning. If I've omitted listing others that contributed, purely not intentional. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hybridTHEvibe @ Apr 6 2006, 06:35 AM) [snapback]235758[/snapback]</div> WOW :lol: What a trap :lol: , I've missed that myself :lol: Wildcow how in the world are you going to come out of this one? :lol: Still waiting for your reply about "SAVING ALL ASSES" during WWII? :blink:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(imntacrook @ Apr 6 2006, 12:14 AM) [snapback]235704[/snapback]</div> :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dsunman @ Apr 6 2006, 07:05 AM) [snapback]235760[/snapback]</div> "bastions of reasoning" :lol: Well, at least I have one thing in common with you, I miss their posts too. However, at the same time, if you're going to take political discussions sooo seriously you have to leave, or if other people's opinions bother you sooo much, I don't feel too bad. (btw: jack06 = ghostofjk, how you didn't figure this out I don't know...)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Apr 6 2006, 08:56 AM) [snapback]235784[/snapback]</div> C'mon, Squid, the only reason you miss anyone is because you can't make fun of them anymore.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ Apr 5 2006, 07:10 AM) [snapback]235226[/snapback]</div> yea.. Flower Power Baby.. Peace Love and tranquility....... pass the joint will ya?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hybridTHEvibe @ Apr 6 2006, 03:35 AM) [snapback]235758[/snapback]</div> You are a Troll *PLONK*
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Apr 11 2006, 06:57 PM) [snapback]238273[/snapback]</div> Great response to you blunder, as always fantastic replay. Typical Wildkow style. Nice going, keep it up, I am having a good chuckle when you become paranoid about your idiocy.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dsunman @ Apr 6 2006, 07:05 AM) [snapback]235760[/snapback]</div> Hey dsunman, I didn't leave I was on vacation. Glad to see someone remembers me