The power window on the passenger front side will go down using the switch on that door, but, I have to put it up using the switch on the driver's side. Any idea what is happening? Thanks.
It sounds like the issue is with the passenger window switch since the window operates with the driver side switch. Check the continuity of the switch contacts with a multimeter. If you get high resistance try cleaning the contacts.
OK. Do I have to remove the whole panel or is there another way to get at the switch is my next question? Thanks.
It was very easy to pop the armrest piece off, and pop out the switch. Just swapped the back door one for now while the new one is on the way. Less than 20$ for a switch, shipped. Thanks.
Good deal. It is always good to hear about an inexpensive fix. Good move in trying a known good switch in this location to verify the switch problem.
I have exactly the same problem but am leery of popping out the switch or armrest and breaking some small plastic clip that holds it in and then have to buy a whole new I slip a flat screwdriver or butterknife or putty knife under it and get it out? I forgot, where did you get the new switch for $20? Thank you so much!! hope you get this and can reply
I don't recall where I got it exactly,just do a Google. I got rid of that vehicle last April and dumped all records, got the prius v. It was nothing to pop the old one out.