SOLD! Someone got an awesome deal on these!! So, the time has finally come to sell these wheels I loved them and had them on both of the Prius that I have owned. Always received compliments wherever I went! They do have some curb checks and scrapes. See pics. I used these for my long 79 mile commute to work everyday for over a year.. So they have been through soo much. But hey are awesome rims that you will not find anywhere else. Most of the scrapes were on them already when I bought them, but I didn't care because these were meant to be driven on. Lost about 8-10 mpg with them. Specs: 18x8 +45 High center caps "BRW" . Paid over 100.00 just for the high type because the flat type wouldn't work. Selling for 950.00 + shipping no tires because of the scrapes and scratches. Willing to take offers and trades! Pm me! On my first ribbon blue Prius 3 On my current Prius plug in
Ok so just picked up another set of wheels for my other car. Have too many wheels in The garage taking space..
They weigh about 20 lbs without tires. They are cast. Thanks! Can't believe no one has jumped on it yet!
The tires are actually dismounted in these pics .. I had to use the valve stems from these wheels on my new wheels. Tires are not included in the sale.
Price back up to 750.00 made space in my garage for these and now they are on eBay. New pic as well.. Tires have been dismounted.