24, married, 4 kids, 1 doggy. Replaced a 2013 Kia Soul with my 14 Prius C 1 and a 2010 Honda Civic. I LOVE my Prius except the Prius patch on my floor mats have already came off on the passenger side after 1 month... lol. But it's taught me to drive a lot better!
71 Years replaced Volvo S40 had for 15 years No regrets. Great car with everything I need. Retired Chartered Builder with 2 Children & 6 grand children.
good guess. out at the+3 sigma end, I am 77 with a long engineering career in car design, racing, and such, and I still love my prissy (prius c) especially after setting up for driving on track. )you tube prius c at vir) mpg? whats that? yeah, I know low 40's on ethanol contaminated gas, high 40's on non-ethanol. still way better than my track car getting 10 mpg. not as good as my monday to friday gofer; its an electric Leaf that uses about $12 a month of electricity so my gas bill is only $40 to $50 a month thanks to CC credits on their gas for 20 gallons thats even more than my weekend prissy needs. it used to be $250 to $350. Now if I succeed in confincing Toyoda (president of Toyota) to make a prius c sport for the masses, hybrids will be no longer considered for the inept. There's no reason Toyota shouldn't have a junior porsche 918 as its halo car. it would be really good as a scion. Listening, toyota? PS having owned 167 cars in 60 years I have a good background in owner experiences and prissy is in the tiop 10; the others were racers like the CRX. If honda had done the CRZ right with a hybrid 200hp they would have owned the hybrid market..
24 years old, Single, No Kids, Work in IT for medical admin company, and just replaced my 2002 Corolla LE
I'm 62, my husband is 72; Family: Skyecroft Shaddow, Sheltie, age 16; Boswell, Collie, age 15; Payton, Sheltie, age 7; Logan, Sheltie, age 6; $ cats all age 11: Dulce, Blaise, Phillpe (Female, we didn't name her), Lacy. Replaced 2009 Subaru Forester they dogs all enjoy riding in the car; the cats do NOT.
Thank for your post I was on page 2 before I found someone my age or older. Dang how did that happen.
59, married, one 19 year old, other vehicle is 2010 Prius. Had a Matrix but hated spending twice as much in gas to drive it, so traded it in for a 2014 Prius C just over a year ago. Love both Prii. 2010 has 149,000 kms. and 2014 Prius C has 25,000 kms.
24, not married but not single, no kids, no dogs. Got a 2014 prius c3 and came from an 04 bmw zhp. The difference in power makes me miss it sometimes, but the money I save with my prius outweighs everything! Haha
46, computer scientist, second marriage, wife's 28 and well-educated. We have 2 cats and an Australian Shepherd. Car replaced a 2008 Yaris.
58 going on 20 single, no kids other than a 10 year old cat. I traded in a 2014 Camry, good car, just too much car for me. I've had Rigel for two weeks, he is blue like the star he's named after. scada/electrical tech and systems analyst for the city.
Carol D 64. Replaced a 2010 Mini Cooper with my wonderful, beautiful 2015 Prius C2 in Absolute Red. Love this car.