Anyone know exactly how to navigate through the online owner's manual? There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the order of the books with respect to page numbers. For instance, I'm looking at the pictorial index, and would like to go to page 96. How do you know which book to access to look at page 96? Some books start at page 400, while others start at 600. It's not like the pages are in order with the books. I end up having to click through each one of the books until I see the range of page numbers that I need to access. Am I missing something here?
I downloaded most of the books and renamed them by page number. Then I used Merge PDF (there are many others) to combine them into a single file to make searching easier. I renamed them to get them to merge in sequence. My file is about 23 mb and I have it on my laptop and tablet for easy access on the road. I have to admit that now that I have more experience with the car I don't refer to it as much as I thought I would, but it will come in handy on our upcoming trip when I find things I'm not familiar with. I tried to come close to the printed manuals by keeping the maintenance, audio and QRG separate.
Thanks...I'm using the iPad / iPhone app. It's a great app and is very convenient to access, but it's ridiculous to navigate. I'll try downloading a PDF version as suggested...
Trouble is there's a lot files to download and rename, so it's a bit of a hassle. Even if you don't merge them, just downloading and renaming helps when you're trying to follow those references.
FYI, I just posted a combined Owner's Manual PDF to this forum ("Prius Owner's Manual - Combined PDF! "). I can't link to the post since I'm a new forum user, but it's all there.