We are going to need to upgrade from a stage 1 car seat to a stage 2+ in the near future. Our little guy is nearing the maximum weight for the stage 1 seat we have. We'd like to keep rear facing for a while longer. Does anyone have any recommendations on a good seat for a Gen III Prius? Both of us our tall, so we'd like something that will not cause us to have to move the passenger seat up much. Any advice or opinions appreciated.
On our Sonata, we placed a Recaro rear facing in the middle position. This allowed both front seats to recline and slide all the way. Repeating on the Prius did not work as the Recaro was too wide and the Prius too narrow. I would imagine that a narrower car seat exists out there.
I am using Recaro ProRide. This can be rear facing and then adjusted for front facing. Right now the 3 year old is using it facing forward and he will pass it on shortly to the twins. I've used it in the Prius and the Sienna. It's a heavy seat and well constructed.
I use the Chicco Nextfit Convertible. Incredibly easy to install and take out if you need to, top-rated, and is much more compact than other car seats. Leaves lots of room for the passenger seat to move back. Can also be used rear and front facing.
Ideally, I'd like to put the car seat in the middle rear. They say this is the safest, but then car companies don't even put the latch system for the middle seat. I can put or stage one seat in the middle rear of my truck without issue, but it is obviously much wider than the Prius. The space between the front seats is pretty narrow, so I doubt any car seat will fit between., I am looking for something like this, that can be rear, then forward facing as he gets older. How much room does this seat take up fore and aft? Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into that seat. Any other suggestions, please chime in.
The ProRide is VERY big. On my Sienna and Prius, facing forward I have to remove the head rest and it sits as wide as a moderately fat uncle that comes over every year for the holidays and has 3rds on desert. That extra size and weight makes the ProRide very durable and they use some fantastic material. There are some downsides. 1) Hope you are a small person. The driver can't be 6ft or taller. Too tall and you end up pushing the Prius driver seat or the passenger seat against the chair when facing backwards. 2) Hard has hell to clean. I haven't compared the ProRide against the others but my kid peed in it a couple times during potty training and each time I'm spending 8 minutes to take apart and 10 to put together. 3) Don't try to put a 3rd passenger in the rear of the Prius with this taking one of the spots. Not going to fit. I bought this about 1.5 years ago. I haven't done any other future research but I did hear the NextFit is great if you are planning to swap cars a lot. I have twins and a toddler so I already have 2 ProRides. I am looking to get the Performance Sport when the twins need the ProRide and then I'll upgrade the toddler.
Well the Pro Ride is out then, I need a seat that won't take up a lot of room. We are both tall, as I stated in our original post. I can't find a Canadian Vendor that carries the Chicco Nextfit either. Has anyone used a Diono seat? It looks like with the angle adjuster they don't take up much room when rear facing.
That's the seat my wife uses, and it's enormous. I would definitely stay away from that one, as the head rest protrudes into the front seat. It's easily 9 inches taller than my Chicco.
Thanks for the info. I read that the Diono is big, but apparently if you use this Angle adjuster it doesn't take up much space. I guess back to the drawing board. Diono™ Angle Adjuster - Sears | Sears Canada