I have a 2004 Prius with only 1 smart key. The other day, while the key was in the kitchen, the car alarm kept going off in the garage (close proximity) and the red light on the smart key kept flashing. I replaced the battery in the fob key and the smart functions of the fob key still work (like unlocking the door when you touch the handle and starting the car with the key in your pocket) however, the physical buttons on the smart key no longer work. I tried to open the cover and see if anything is stuck and it was no use. So now, I have 1 semi-working key where the physical buttons of the smart key don't work. On ebay, I am looking at a virgin key for about $105 from a dealer in ohio. I'm afraid the chicken dance technique won't work since I won't be able to press any buttons on the current key (or will it?). I do have a mini VCI cable that came with techstream software. Will I be able to use this to bypass the chicken dance of programming a virgin fob key?
You must have a stuck button. Press all 3 buttons and make sure they work. They should spring back up when pressed
Tried it, I hear clicks from all three, i even took off the rubber/plastic over the buttons to check and taped it back. The light doesn't come on anymore (that little red light on the fob key).
Your buttons are not stuck, the battery or contact on the battery is not working. Is the battery upside down?
I'm afraid of losing this key as well, so I'm not sure if I want to risk trying to fix it without having a spare. Will I be able to make a spare with techstream software if the physical keys won't work?I'The fob key works, the battery is lined up correctly (put it in the same way the old one came out). The smart functions work. Just the physical buttons don'tAnother thing: If i sometimes press a button on my fob with the key removed, the red light blinks for a few seconds and goes off.