Would anyone be interested in a hybrid battery with 238,500 miles? It has been previously grid charged a few times and has good performance. It was built in 8/05. It still gets 44-52 mpg with my commute. It is still working and in my car right now, but I will be replacing it with a 2008 prius battery (got a really good deal, and couldn't resist!) Feel free to ask anything. Was thinking it would make a great battery if you have a old prius sitting around with a dead battery, hey a high miles battery that works well is better than a broken one! $250 or best offer
Thanks! Hopefully people see this post. It seems like not very many members check this section of prius chat. I'd much rather sell it to someone on here, than someone on Craigslist.
Thanks, I bought a grid charger about 4 months ago, and have used it twice. If you don't know what a grid charger is; it balences all the cells and modules, in the battery pack improving battery life and performance
The battery is failing - I purchased the car used in Nov 2013 with ~100K. Within a few months I had Torque & a BT adapter & I was monitoring the HV batt. When the batt would get to the low end of its range I could see one of the center module pairs drifting ~0.3V low. As soon at the batt got recharged a little everything would look OK. The last few months its gotten much worse. I just turned 140K & the battery is still usable - just got to keep it from getting really low or really full - at 60% SOC it only has ~0.1V difference between the 14 module pairs. I have a batt from a 2012 CT200h (exact same p/n as my 2010 Prius) ready to go. I built my own grid-charger & have a HD discharger. I've done ~8 full cycles on the battery & just this AM I finished the last charge cycle. I ran it down to ~80% SOC & when I go to install it, I will discharge it to the level of my old battery. I have already looked at the map - you are ~14 hours away - I do not know if I want to make that long of a trip just now, or I would have PMed you already Its good to see another PCer doing whatever it takes to keep their Prius running!
Wow good work! As much as i would like to use a monitor app, i don't want to at the same time, ignorence is bliss right? jealous that you got a Lexus ct200h pack, Lol! I actually looked for one for my car but there wasn't very many for sale.. anywhere. where did you find yours? Wish you lived closer, 14 hours is a super long drive, if you happen to be near to TN in the next month let me know!