Hey, first post here. But long time lurker. Figured I finally become a member since I got my Prius I wanted for so long. But first, here's my story to switching to Prius! I have had my 2002 Jeep Liberty since High School, through College, Grad School, when I moved from NJ to IL, and multiple jobs and my current career as an Elementary Art Teacher. It was nice to be high up, no high beams in my mirrors, snow never an issue, and tons of cargo room. But what I hated the most was my 13 MPG and consistent issues with engine and misc stuff. I thought I could last at LEAST until next summer. But with no indication on my coolant level meter, I had no idea my radiator was running with no Anti-freeze, causing the engine to lock up. Jeep was still in okay condition and was around 99k miles >.< However, had multiple recalls for various reasons such as spontaneous front airbags, faulty engine light, and power steering issues. So in this predicament... I figured now is probably the best time. Especially knowing a family member that owned a Toyota dealership. So I got a Winter Gray Metallic Prius Two! Besides this being the best choice right now, especially with my 1 hour commute Monday-Friday, I can say goodbye to my $150/week gas bill! I do have some big plans for his one. And have been doing my research on the modifications I want. So will use this thread as this cars mod history as well. I am just deciding whether or not I should wait out the Chicago winter or not before updating the exterior. Maybe I will start with the interior first... I duno. Anyways, thanks for reading! Making Prius To-Get list now
Welcome and congrats. Nice color choice too I took the same path in 2009 and went from a 1996 Jeep GC to the 2010 Prius Three. Best of luck.
Welcome! Quite the change I bet from Jeep to Prius. 13mpg in a small SUV.. that's not good.. but now you are! The easiest mods and ones aids in safety are horns and headlamps.. plenty of threads on those. Have fun!
Welcome! I'm brand new myself but just got the Prius Two in WGM... same as yours! Too bad on the Jeep though!