Hi All, I accidentally rolled up the garage door into the wife's spoiler b/c the hatch was up. All I noticed was a paint nick, but she thinks the spoiler's a little loose. Is there any movement in anyone else's spoiler? Assuming someone were to grip it firmly and pull it up/push it down. My feeling is that there should be a little restrained movement, but I figured I'd ask here before I went to a dealer and started yanking on the spoilers of the Priuses on the lot.
A little movement yes but it should be pretty firm. Mine was quite loose, then began to rattle badly. It is held in place by several bolts. It turned out that one of the nuts had come completely off the bolt and was rattling around in the hatch. The dealer that fixed it (not the one where I bought it) noticed slightly mismatched paint in the area and concluded that my Prius had been damaged and repaired (probably when it arrived in port in Portland, Oregon) before it got to the dealer. Apparently they didn't tighten that bolt enough and then a few years of riding loosened it further. It is not that difficult to get to the bolts and re-tighten them. So if you have any concerns you can have that done or even do it yourself.
"Care to provide a link or share the details?" I watched the technician do it. Several pieces of plastic trim surrounding the interior side of the hatch window were pulled off. That revealed the bolts holding the spoiler to the hatch. Once the bolts were tightened, the shrouding was snapped back into place. Here is a link to a youtube video. The video is in three parts. The guys video skills aren't that great but he does show pulling off the trim and where the bolts are: Part 2: Part 3: (Sorry that I didn't reply sooner, I was away for about 10 days)
I was thinking ours was loose, pulled it off soon after purchase, put it back, making sure everything was good and tight. It's still a bit wobbly.