Oh there have been Police checked taxi drivers who've raped too, so you can never be 100% sure. But it does make sense to check for drivers with previous. You also introduce an important point for the other side of the coin. Taxi drivers are very vulnerable and as you say some areas it's absolutely required that there's is a physical barrier between the driver and passenger; be it a purpose built vehicle, a converted vehicle or even a perspex 'bubble'. Even if the Uber driver were to not carry cash that wouldn't stop the idiots who just like to slip a blade in your back for fun, or around your neck for your mobile phone and even your car. I lived in a low crime area yet had a few scary moments and being a taxi I had real time gps tracking and hidden panic button. So it's not just the passengers having to be aware of a non Police checked pervert, but the innocent, wet behind the ears new driver who will be completely unaware of the variety of tricks muggers and crims try out on a lone, vulnerable driver. Taxi driving isn't a fun game.
The Philadelphia Parking Authority impounded several Uber cars over the weekend. PPA Impounds UberX Vehicles In Undercover Sting Operation | News | Philadelphia Magazine
Welcome to PriusChat okdonk! As others have said, you'll find all you'll ever need to know about Prii here on PC! You mention that you're an Uber driver - I was curious as to how you like Uber. I was thinking of joining, but stopped halfway through the application process when I was asked for my FaceBook information, but although I registered with FB (FarcePuke) I only use it very sparingly. I asked my insurance broker about Uber, and they advised me to steer clear of Uber, in fact their words were avoid Uber like the Plague, since my car insurance would not cover me for any commercial use, and despite Uber's claim that their insurance would cover me, I would find out (too late) that in fact that might not be the case, and there would be much wailing and gnashing of teeth etc. I was curious how your insurance company handled that question. (Perhaps another PriusChat user Grumpy Cabbie (?) will chime in?), anyway, welcome once again - Wil
WilDavis, I never been asked for my Facebook information when joining in. There are some disputes or arguments about the insurance which you mentioned. But i personally and all my friends who doing the Uber, didn't feel the need to inform or notify our insurances about the Uber. Yes, it all come back to our own risk. Uber will cover us with their $1M coverage on top of our personal insurances. Maybe some other Uber drivers in this forum will chime in.. but as i said i personally didn't need to notify my insurance.
Don't know what the law is your way, but people can lose their house if their car insurance is invalid or voided and they have a fault accident. Good luck.
Do the Uber drivers realize they are responsible for the employment and income taxes on their fares? Uber is obligated to issue 1099-MISC forms for payments over $600 but do they issue forms to everyone? May want to bump up the withholding on the real job or start filing quarterly. Records should also be kept as business expenses are legitimate deductions. Will the vehicle manufacturer use the part time commercial usage as an excuse to deny warranty coverage? The warranty on a commercial vehicle is not the same as the one for personal use. GC, the law works the same over here. The old fashioned way to shelter assets is to put everything in the spouse's name so there is little to nothing to go after.
This is true, I think it was a one time thus far scare tactic type of enforcement... BUT Uber is still everywhere in the City (Philadelphia), and is extremely popular among the College crowds…. They (Uber drivers around here) all drive brand spankin new Suburbans, Lincolns, or 300's…. I can see why the College kids spend the few bucks extra over a 15 yr old beat to hell and stinky crown vic with 300 000 miles on it...
I briefly did some driving for Lyft. Upon researching the insurance issue, I learned that Lyft's insurance will not cover damage to your vehicle. Moreover, I don't know a single Lyft or Uber driver that reports their employment to their insurance company. Thus, if you are involved in an accident, and your insurance company finds out that you were driving for Lyft/Uber (it only takes one person to report you), they will probably not pay out. Moreover, your insurance carrier will likely drop you. After learning this, I decided that it was not worth risking a $10k car in exchange for earning a few extra bucks.