wish it were true and fair Not anymore, I hear. I do not understand how or why, but it's not like that anymore. I'm sooo tired of getting slapped down for voicing opinions about these issues, I prefer to not say what I think, but oh well.
Huge car dealerships are okay, but I like the small town variety better. When I picked up our Prius from Dale White Autoplex in Elko Nevada, Mo - my sales person - picked me up at the airport, took me to lunch and then to the dealership. We watched the final prep on the car, took it for a drive (driving lesson actually) chatted with Dale White for a bit and signed the papers. The dealership put me up in a great hotel for the night too. They are terrific folks and helped make purchasing our Prius a special event.
Bob, I am finding that I am only the best when I have "the call" to make when I get my Prius allocation. otherwise, I am kicked around, verbally abused, and basically unappreciated. But, dear one, it's nice that you think so. Sad thing is, I have a lot of information to post about the 2005 year model Prius and I do not feel like posting a damn thing anywhere anymore in advance. Dianne
God, I wish I could get my eyes to do that. Dianne: I completely understand. I'll look forward to hearing details when it's officially OK to hear about it. Thanks for posting whatever info you can post!
I have a tidbit... The few goalposts I know of that are NOT subject to moving is that the rear wiper will be standard for 2005, and the base price of the car increased to reflect that, as well as the base price being increased NOT dramatically to try and recoup costs of increasing production planned for fall 2005. That also means that all of the package content will change -- they are going to refine it to a better science, and eliminate a few packages that are close to being redundant or are very close to other packages. In most cases, Toyota uses the first year to gauge popularity of specific colors, option packages, and models. In the case of the Prius, the car's popular and all of them are pre-sold or they simply sell warp-speed fast, so they are more interesting in making it easier to send more cars as fast as possible... with little niggling over detail. No color changes are in the wind that I have been told about. That's all I am able to share. I have mentioned to those I know with their mouth to the ears of the Prius gods that we want gray interiors on cars that are red, blue, possibly even tideland. FYI! I also mentioned that a dark green and a darker blue would be great as well. That's it for now!!
Dianne, Many and Sincere Thanks, Great Empress of Prius, for what little the Toyota God will allow you to share. Ashame that as Empress you couldn't swing one for yourself. Hope that your new car is still proving fun despite its non-Prius failings. I know beauracracies are frustrating, having my own to deal with and at times wondering how much longer I am willing to put up with it. Just remember, All of Us appreciate you, and will accept what you tell us when ever the Gods on High deign to allow you to enlighten us. Jon
Come on Dianne. Don't let a few ungrateful, ill mannered spoiled brats ruin your day. I do not buy cars often, but when I do, I expect the sales representative to provide me with accurate facts and to be candid with me about negative as well as positive information. I do not want to to be mislead or to be led to have false expectations. I have scratched off my list of businesses with whom I will deal two Toyota dealers in the San Fernando Valley because their employees did not follow those cardinal rules. I found you to be honest and forthright, even though you were unable to accommodate me. I will remember that in the future when looking for another car to replace our school car pool "mommy mobile".
Re: wish it were true and fair Now stop that... you too are the best... How many Pioneer's owners came from all over the US (some 1300 miles+ ) to buy there 2004 from your great caring hands. We could have taken our order and just about used any Toyota dealerships. But , NOOOO. You weaved your magic spell and come we did.. some even brought gifts. So, GIRL... you get right back up on that stand... hold your head high... those that know you best still chant... "Empress of Prius we are not worthy" I can see it is time for more chocolate... a few have gotten you down.. time for a few to get you back up again... enough said..
Bowing to the ZEUS GOD JCHU I'm not certain whether to tell you to stuff it (heh) or thank you! Either way, ummmmmmmm thanks for sharing. I wish I could tell the rest but I have had my tailfeathers singed one too many times for expressing my thoughts, frustration, and anxiety over this car's many aspects... I am simply doing as I please these days! But, I also have to respect my sources.
Re: wish it were true and fair Perry -- honey, no more chocolate! I've been very faithfully following the Atkins diet and have dropped 65 lbs. since XMas. I feel great and terrific and if you wanna send chocolates, I will share them with the office mates or customers... send atkins bars, LOL! ;> (kidding about sending me bars)... BTW: I am begging for permission to post more info re: the 2005. I will tell you when I get it. Might even make a folder all special! ;>
Re: I have a tidbit... Thank you Dianne! I wouldn't ask you to post anything more than that! I am only interested in facts as they become known. As it is approaching July, I'm hoping Toyota will start firming up and disseminating 2005 information to the dealers. How the heck would they know?!? People are taking whatever they can get. "Wanted this color, that package but took this and that instead because it was available" seems to be the most common purchase. :? What the heck happened to my picture of Puss in Boots?? I searched long and hard to find that, hoping Dianne couldn't resist those plaintive eyes!
Re: I have a tidbit... I scrolled up, Bruce -- it's there! He's adorable. Guess it worked. ;> :? What the heck happened to my picture of Puss in Boots?? I searched long and hard to find that, hoping Dianne couldn't resist those plaintive eyes![/quote]
Regarding the Puss in Boots image. Yep it is back. I wonder if the site just had problems. It was there after I posted it yesterday but this morning it wasn't - Mozilla and Internet Explorer. But, the site was inaccessable just before that so I'll chalk it up to "server problems"