Has anyone installed the audio and usb charger in their 2011 Prius? I wanted to know before I take it apart if there is a usb input wire for the factory stereo system? Thanks
i always thought it was inside the center console. How to Use the auxiliary audio port in a 2010 Prius « Driving & Safety
But his is an '05 and it probably isn't the same. I doubt that there is a handy wire like the picture shows just dangling around back there somewhere. And with an '05 I kind of doubt that the radio is equipped for USB input at all.
I have a 2005 and 2011 model prius. Anyone know for sure if the 2011 model has the USB input connection? Thanks
see the video i linked above . if it has it it will be in the console this is the gen 3 section of the forums and it is for the 2010+ prius' and needs to be removed then .