I just turned 3000 miles on my C. I started the car and the engine chugged and knocked like I have never experienced. I turned off the engine and restarted and no problem. Any body know what gives?
No varmt, It now makes me wonder About the true quality of a Toyota. I have never had a car do this. If it is typical that is poor engineering.
This problem has been discussed in numerous threads. The easy way to cause the knocking is to start the Prius with a cold engine and let the engine run for only a few seconds. Shut the engine off and let the car sit for several hours. When you start it up the engine will knock and shake for a few seconds.
Monday, Sept 22. I have a Prius 2. Just turned over 6k. My wife went out to start it one morning and it made a loud knocking noise, wasn't sure if I should drive it. Started it a couple more times (had to wait for it to start itself). Knocking did not occur each time but they were able to make it occur and replaced the intake manifold. Apparently there is a Tech Bulletin. Had it towed to Maplewood Toyota. They had it for 2 days. Said there was moisture. Bills covered by Toyota as far as I know. Sorta nervous about the future of the car. Seems to have a good warranty though. Paid extra for Toyota service plan with no deductible. I have a video but not able to post here.
any water in intake ystem? condenate? you can inspect before trying to start and it doesn't take but a few drops to dlute the gas.
Known issue as referenced on post #7 with 2 separate TSBs (intake manifold and engine mount) not completely solving the issue. One work around is to make a habit of pressing the accelerator immediately after releasing the brake when you power up.
It's unfortunate to hear that this problem wasn't resolved in the C. I also owned a 2010 liftback with the problem, and I couldn't even get my dealer to implement the TSBs (because they claimed they couldn't replicate it...no matter that my vehicle was eligible for the fix based on the VIN). That was my main motivation for trading "up" to a C in 2012. I have noticed a very mild case of it in the C but nothing like the worrisome and loud knocking I heard on the liftback. The anxiety that caused no doubt resulted in a loss in the trade-in on my part.