Hello from a Newbie. I've been lurking for a while on this forum trying to learn Prius but first time posting. I am interested in a Prius Three lift back. Is $25,000 OTD with 0% financing for 60 months a good deal? I am in the DC/VA/MD metro area.
welcome and congrats! hard to say, cause otd is different in different states. how much did they take off msrp?
Thanks. Haven't bought yet. The MSRP was 26,700. Out the door including, tax, title, freight, fees etc. and 0% financing is around 25,000. MD/VA/DC metro area. Is this a Good deal???
sorry, without knowing what all the fees, licenses, taxes and etc. are, there is no way to know. won't they break it down for you? sounds like they might be trying to hide something. i suppose someone from your area might see your post and know what these extra's cost. but with an msrp that high, it sounds like a pretty good deal to me. keep in mind, with gas prices so low, they can't give these buggers away.
Here is the breakdown: MSRP 26,700 Freight 850 Tag 60 Tax 1000 Processing 600 Rebate 500 0% financing for 60 months Plus dealer discounts applied. Final out the door 25,000 flat. What do you think?
it sounds decent to me! when i'm car shopping, i usually search inventories online, then email them and get price quotes. even if i can't find 3 cars the same, i get a good indication of the deal i'm getting on the one i want. all the best!
Newbee here.. Great forum with lot of information. thank you. I am shopping for 2015 Toyota Prius 3 in Baltimore MD area. Is below a good deal with 0% APR? They are quoting MSRP: $26,855.00 I think it comes down to 23,940 + tax (6%) + tags (355) Sale Price $22,272 +$825 Destination +$300 Dealer Processing Fee +$1,250 Customer Cash Rebate +$1.478.82 MD 6% sales tax +$351 MD Tag and Title $26,476.82 -$750 subvention cash for financing $25,726.82 FINAL PRICE