I recently bought a used 2nd gen Prius, everything works like a charm, ok there were few bumps and scratches nothing some polish and some touch up paint can handle, but my odometer is stuck at 92101 km. Both my TRIP A and TRIP B work, one of these i use to keep the record of my next oil change.
You probably need to replace the combination meter assembly. Since TRIP A and B work (I assume the speedometer also is working since you didn't mention otherwise), the combination meter is receiving the correct speed signal from the skid control ECU. Hence if the odometer is not incrementing, that is a fault within the combination meter.
I wonder if the party that sold you the vehicle corrupted the odometer in the process of rolling the mileage back?
I'd be concerned, particularly if it hasn't worked since delivery. Certifying an odometer reading is accurate upon transfer (or stating clearly that it is not) is the law in the US (I don't know about Romania). This affects the value of the vehicle and leaves you wondering how many miles are actually on the car. I suggest you contact the seller about it. Good luck!
I would want to check with the dealer to see if they can determine the correct kilometers and if the seller did tamper with it.
Thanks for the all your replies i really apreciate it and kind of brings some light to my problem i also thought that it was tempered with but the car runs like a charm for a 5000$ car and i didn't mind as much because my last vehicle a 2001 Opel Astra Mk4 had 240.000 km and even at that mileage(fake or not) the car pured like a kitten like this one. I think i am going to check my mileage at a Toyota dealer and then buy the combination meter used or new as i can estimate the mileage per year and also adjust and even add a few tens of thousands myself. I am not really interested in 100% accurate reading just an estimate(actual working odometer) because i really like to keep the correct mileage for engine oil change, service interval and very important gearbox oil(i read that it is VERY important for the proper maintenace of the car). Thanks a lot.