I've got a 2006 model Prius. I've been reading about the "transaxle" which is off the CVY design. Questions are: Does it need fluid to run, really? If so, when does it need changing? And can I easily change it myself. Thanks.
Yes, the "transaxle" needs 4 US quarts of Toyota ATF-WS. Not sure why you have the word in quotes. Based upon used fluid testing which shows high amounts of Fe and Si in the oil, I suggest that you change the fluid no later than at 60K miles. Yes, you can change it yourself if you can raise up the front end of the car with jack stands. You will need a 24 mm socket to remove the fill plug and a 10 mm hex key socket to remove the drain plug. It would help if you fabricate a plastic funnel with 3 ft. long flexible tail, to facilitate filling the transaxle. There are many posts about how to DIY the change.
Mr. Wong, Thanks! I put transaxle in quotes since I really wasn't sure what it is called (transaxle, or transmission or CT or ..?) . Very good.
A transaxle is just a transmission with the differential is the same housing, all Prius and most FWD cars have a transaxle.