Hi everyone, I have a Prius 2008 and I want to build a custom door lock system. The idea is to use a microcontroller connected to a phone to open or lock the doors. I've seen that there is a toggle door lock cable that I can access and that toggle the state of the doors when shorted to ground. Is all of thus correct? And do you think that if I use a relay to short this cable to the ground it will work? Thanks for your answer
A relay will work well I don't know about a toggle door lock cable but I have connected to the drivers door wiring where it enters the car
Can you tell me more about the cable you used? It is located in the driver's door? How do you open/close the doors with it?
Are the cable you speak about those ones ? LOCK Green In black module to left of steering column - UNLOCK Blue/black In black module to left of steering column - If it is, should I hook them to a relay (one for each) and the relay to ground?
I would look at using an RFDuino as your micro-controller. It supports Blue Tooth 4 protocols and recent tablets/PCs/Phones also have Blue tooth 4 support for up to 30 meter communications. You should put in an extra level of security (a password to allow a joined device to function) so that your car cannot be opened by anyone but you. One of my freshman engineering groups automated opening the driver gull wing door of a Bricklin this way. It was cool. JeffD
I think you van also manage the windows . I'm going to use an Arduino with gsm shield but my question is more about the cables I have to hook on the toyota