Hello v drivers! I've created a new Top 10 MPG list and have yet to have any Prius v's on the list. Simply post your HSI screens over 500+ miles and you'll make the list! Here is the link: Top 20 MPG | PriusChat
No takers? We may have to resort to fuelly They report only around a dozen or so people getting above 50mpg per tank fill. Not a single 60mpg !! wuzup! .
Maybe because the v is not the top MPG model in the Prius lineup? Space it has. But it has different gearing to account for the extra weight required to support that room. Do you compare a mini-van to a micro-car? (Recall that in some markets the v is a 7 passenger.)
I get the impression that most v(agon) owners stuff the car full and are happy with 40+ MPG. I average about 55 mpg on the meter overall, but 80+ mpg on my P&G return route if the weather is nice.
Well I can tell you after keeping a spread sheet for one year, that my Canadian Prius V has recorded an overall average of 52.4 Imperial Miles per gallon or roughly 43.4 of the smaller US gallon. This was averaged over 49 fills. My best was 60 and worst was 44 cruising the I5 at speed heading for Arizona. Pretty darned happy overall. We where packed heavy on the Arizona run with all our junk for a winters stay.
Yeah, I average about that as well. Right now, from the show room, I have a lifetime average of 43.2 mpg (US), 5.4 L/100 km. Considering that the v has slightly more space in the back than the Toyota Tacoma I traded for it I'm exceptionally happy with this average. One thing I need to start doing is driving without the AC running. The car, set to automatically maintain interior conditions, tends to kick on the AC pretty much all the time. I know that this is putting additional load on the hybrid drive and has the potential to mandate the use of the IC engine even when the car could be running in EV mode.
The A/C has almost no impact on MPG except in HOT weather when its running full blast. Even then, using ECO mode helps a lot. At cooler temps, when the blower indicates 1 or 2 bars, impact on MPG is nil.
The best I've gotten so far in my v has been 61mpg on an all-highway trip. All I've done to it is having pressed up the tires to 50psi. Still learning.. I average 44ish mpg overall, mileage being marred by being in a hurry sometimes. The car has no tolerance for hot-dogging it. thats good to know. Whenever I turn the heat on and the A/C kicks on automatically I'm trained to reflexively shut it off. I know the A/C compressor is electric but I abhor waste.
Good point here, I've been experiencing a marked drop in fuel efficiency lately and I'm doing my best to rein in all potential drag potential. I'll check my tire pressure this evening.
Our Prius 'v' is two years old this month and has been driven 60k miles. The MPG(us) lifetime meter reads 52.7 Superb car
I always take EPA ratings with a grain of salt. Over 10,000 miles, I have averaged 50 miles per gallon over combined highway and rural driving. And my original estimate was that I would get 45 MPG combined, so I'm quite happy. Even on a road trip with 4 passengers and luggage, I manage 46 MPG on the interstates at 65 MPH with the climate control on, radio on, and cruise control set.
Then you do not understand the EPA number. It is calculated to cover ~ 85% of driver 'real world' results. Put another way, 85% of car owners are expected to hit EPA, or better.
I can do exceptionally well in warmer months, but the combo of cold and wind, plus hills, relegates me to the high 30's if I drive (shall we say not in a spirited manner). I found that 38/36 psi was all I could stand for tire pressure, and need to check again as the snows were mounted in 50 degree weather. I'm barely ahead of our 2007 Camry Hybrid lately, which doesn't change that much during the year mileage-wise.