'12 v Three Last night coming back to my "home" the GPS attempted to route me via a left turn when the only way to get to my house was a right less than half a mile away. All involved roads were 10+ years old. Fed up, I went into the dealer. The posted price was $169 for a map upgrade card, the software upgrade had been done about 2 months ago. They didn't have it in stock but when I asked for a deal, they did give me 10% off the list and half off the labor or $60 instead of $120 saying it took an hour hook up via their computer. My wife's '11 Avalon was the same update price but on a CD with no labor. Today I got a TomTom email offering 4-updates over a year for $49 for my portable. Toyota actually uses the TomTom maps but in a different format and often a year after TomTom offers them for their own portables. Navigator can't use Toyota's v version when in motion without some heavy mods to the wiring, routes me incorrectly, ridiculous priced updates. What really makes me mad is the salesperson said that the updates were available via the phone connection implying they were available for free. The only reason I repost about this complaint we frequently see here is to suggest that, you are inclined to get the upgrade, you see if you can negotiate on the cost. I often get a discount just by asking for one.
Sometimes it's an error on the mapping data (e.g. an offramp/onramp to a "U-Turn" road on a mountain highway is somehow labelled as part of the highway so the nav asks you to go off the highway and back on again instead of staying on the highway). TomTom data is used for Canadian roads. I believe U.S. roads are still Navteq. That being said, the Toyota nav still is missing a new major highway (completed last year and partially completed for more than that) and a toll bridge (tolled 2 years ago) yet my TomTom is up-to-date even when they were updated at the same time. <sigh>
A new map may not fix the "problem" that you noticed. I've owned about 6 different model GPSs in the past 10 years or so and they ALL did crazy things like that occasionally.......for no logical reason and generally not repeatable. I think the unit believes that a short section or road is temporarily not available for some reason and plots a detour......even though you may have it set to NOT do that. Toyota's map update policy and price is outrageous; even moreso that the other major car makers. My next car will NOT have a builtin GPS unless updates are free, or nearly so, and it WILL have a dome light in the back seat. That might mean that it will not be a Toyota. If the company thinks that little things like that don't drive customers away.......they are DEAD wrong.
BTW, What date were the maps? I had my maps updated November 2014 and they were dated July 2013. Although that was the reference date in the nav system, they were actually about 2 years older. I paid $169 for the part and $50 for the installation. I got $30 off with an online coupon the dealer advertised. Total cost $200. It was a complete waste of money. It is frustrating to have this expensive option and end up using a cell phone or stand alone GPS hanging from a windshield mount.
Even the big things will not drive customers away, like faulty software for brake not overriding accelerator, or their blaming floor mats. Or worst, they're accusing customers of not operating the vehicle properly. People will not remember even this major malfunction when shopping for the Toyota. I have the Prius v, 2013 Elantra GT, 2012 Soul. All have cargo lights low on the left side. The other two are auto on when hatch opened - no off/on switch. None have overhead cargo lights. They are becoming a rare breed. Jack
He's talking about a cabin light over the rear seat (literally) instead of over the centre of the cabin (like it usually is). It's funny how that makes a difference. The Gen 2 Prius and Gen 3 (without moonroof) have dome lights in the rear. The Camry (last 2 generations) with a moonroof even have reading lights in the rear seats (and go on when that particular door is open so they individually illuminate the seat. Don't be so shallow, @Easy Rider 2. You act like no Toyota has that feature. Some do, just not the one you happen to purchase (for whatever reason that you purchased it even though it didn't have one)
You are right. I did mix these up - dome light, back seat light(s), cargo light are all separate. No dome light in 2000 Odyssey van but two lights for each of 3 rows plus cargo overhead light. Cargo light and dome light in each of 3 cars. Jack
And to make it more confusing , if a Toyota vehicle has a single light in the cabin, it's called the dome/interior light (like everyone else calls it) but if there are two sets of lights (one in the front of the cabin and one in the rear), the rear is called the "dome light" and the front is called the "personal light". It may or may not be what we call the map lights lol. (It doubles as maplights in the Gen 3 but in the Gen 2, it had 3 lights in the front of the cabin - two maplights on either side and a separate, 3rd personal light in the middle that comes on when the doors are opened) Gen 2 overhead lights (driver/front passenger). The middle is the personal light that's door/SKS activated and independent of the left & right slots which are the map lights.
Simple fact is that I bought the car in the daytime and didn't notice. The cargo hatch has a light but the back seat is dark as a cave at night. Maybe if I didn't have a moon roof it would have a light. Anyway, no excuse for overlooking something as easy and simple as having a light back there. Errors like that frost me. There are a couple of "deal breakers" in my most recent house too.......that I didn't notice until the check had cleared.
Wait a minute there, let me get this straight. (Cause it's been a while since I did a thorough inspection of a Prius c). I know the Prius c has a set of maplights in the front. Are you saying that's the *only* set of lights in the cabin? There's no dome light in the centre of the ceiling? If so, then I apologise for calling you out. I agree that it is unacceptable cost-cutting in this day and age (like the missing cargo light on the Prius c One or the Insight LX)
I apologise for calling you out then. On the Prius Liftback, if you don't have the Solar Roof, you'll have one in the front and one in the rear. With the SR, the rear dome light moves back to the centre.
Accepted. Thank you. I mean, who actually CHECKS for a courtesy light in the back seat of a 4 door car ? They ALL have that......right.......guess not.