I'm trying to get my Mini-VCI linked to a friend's '05 and it's causing the full-on Christmas tree light show and no-start ready mode condition requiring negative battery terminal disconnect to re-set. It works fine on my '07 Prius and on my '05 Sienna. The '05 doesn't have any issues, we're just trying to get a look at HV battery health. I've searched through threads with SG having similar issues but none with Mini-VCI. Any thoughts?
Well, it connected and I viewed the health check scan through 4 or 5 of the systems. Once I was confident of good connection, I got out of the car and began gathering tools for a transaxle fluid change. I heard it beep, and upon returning to the car, became preoccupied with observing the light show. My instinct was to unplug the scanner and go straight to the 12 volt in order to verify a re-set would indeed clear it up. So in my panic, lost the scan without saving data... Is it safe to try again? Although hugely impressed with the VCI, I don't lose thought of the fact that it's a $30 Chinese hack!!
Maybe it’s bug from opening and closing door? You didn’t have smart key with you? I always try to minimize stuff that happens while scanning any car. So doors closed ac and stereo off. And with Prius key in the slot.
Door remained open the entire time, smart key in the center console. You think I should give it another go with door closed and smart key in the slot? I've never followed any strict protocol (smart key is NEVER in the slot in the '07) with the 2 others cars that get scanned regularly but I'd love figure this out.
Yours is the first post I have seen that indicated the VCI does not work perfectly. Was the '05 in ready mode before you plugged in the cable and started techstream? I have always left the driver door open when using mine, so I wouldn't think that is a problem. While it is important to be able to scan a car when it is not ready, i.e. something failed, that makes the 12V battery issue come to the surface. How is the '05 battery health?
Boy, you read my mind, nh7o. Tested only a couple hours after running the car this a.m., the readings from the MFD are: ACC - 12.1, IGG - 11.9, READY 13.8-13.9. Looks a bit marginal but enough to cause the crazy scan link behavior?.. Battery is Yusa, dated Dec. 2011. Car is an '05 with 69k original miles. Car has seen plenty of non-use time. Yes, was in Ready mode when connected to Techstream.
Hmmm. 12V is not likely the problem, from the looks of it. I suppose you could try putting it on a charger, to see what happens.
No, the car is back in the owner's possession and we'll try again once fitted with a new 12 volt. Won't happen for a few weeks, though, as he just left for a hunting trip outside of Telluride. I will post an update for sure. I wouldn't hesitate to get the VCI, though, you'll love it. As nh7o, said, this seems to be a very one-off occurrence - no one else seems to have reported this behavior with VCI on any model year Prius. Something funky about this particular '05, but I'm not sure what... Any other ideas out there?...
My idea is that the Prius has to be IG-ON when first connected to Mini VCI. After Mini VCI establishes communication with the vehicle, then make the Prius READY. One thing weird about my Mini VCI is that it thinks my 2004 (originally sold by Servco Pacific in Honolulu and built in 2003) is a 2005 model year. Other than that, no issues.
Thank you, Patrick. You are absolutely correct in that the connection should be made while the car is IG-ON, at least that's what any scan tool I've ever used recommends. I've gotten lazy about it with how well the VCI plays with both my '07 and the Sienna. When I try again it will be IG-ON and fob in the slot. Can't help but think there must be more to it, but software is definitely NOT my thing!
Hello everyone. Is my first post here, but i am an old reader of the forum Same problem with mini VCI.....the dash go crazy when i made the connection. Laptop with windows 7 32bit. I will try these days with windows XP and il keep you posted. Il will follow your advice with the key, the car IG-ON and then plug the minivci. The battery readings are: ACC - 12.2, IGG - 11.9, READY 14.2-14.4.
I will never understand why folks think a battery that is at least six years old would be fine in any vehicle. Yeah, we hear the stories all day long about these batteries and how they work great even when aged like the one mentioned in the 2007 Prius. However, we also hear many more stories about two and three year old batteries needing jumps. I won't even begin to mention the problems with jumping a Prius. Way too many horror stories there too. I do admit the battery is rather expensive, but when you consider the problems that a failing battery in a Prius can produce it stands to reason that there is a time when enough is enough. The battery readings are: ACC - 12.2, IGG - 11.9, Don't know about you guys, but IMO those number's above are not sufficient. Granted the car may start, but it is a recipe looking for trouble. I would bet the red triangle is lighting everytime the power button is being pushed too. How many times must we say that a new AGM type battery will measure a minimum of 12.8 volts. A battery reading at 12.2 and 11.9 is not anywhere close to where it should be. In all reality, those numbers are more along the line of a battery whose SOC is charge is 50% at best. When you consider that the poster is complaining about the Mini VCI not playing well with his/her Prius it really make me wonder why they have not spent the money for that new battery. If you can afford a laptop to hook up to a ODB port on a Prius, you can surely afford a new 12 volt battery. Just sayin...
Ok, i know that i have to change the battery soon. I bought the car 6 months ago and i saw the battery is old, but i have no start problem, no RED Triangle ever, no problem with consumption. All i want is to squizee all the juice that she have and since no problem with the car i thought, working with miniVCI, there is another problem with Techstream, with the cable. ....asking here for your advice. Im going to buy a new battery soon. I'll keep you posted. Sorry for my english........and thank you
Did you ever recharge your 12V battery? What were the voltage readings after charging (and surface charge dissipated)?
Yes, once. After recharge the voltages where ok, i dont remember exactly, but im sure that they were in ranges specified here on the forum. Anyway, there was no voltage under 12V.