• I will address any newspaper via a letter to the editor about negative fallacies and misconceptions on hybrid vehicles (either current or past articles), if you find yourself short on time. I believe that hybrid vehicles are the future (make a link to my newspaper article thread), and that we must fight to get rid of misconceptions in the public and media. The only way hybrids are going to come down in cost is if people purchase these vehicles and make them standardized. That or show them why their thinking is wrong, and allay public fears of this needed automotive technology. -This report about hybrids requiring more energy to produce than non hybrids will hit the press (first, the research itself is questionable. Second, one general conclusion is that as hybrids are mass produced and economies of scale kick in, this energy cost will be minimized). • If you know of such an article, please reply to this thread, PM, or email me ([email protected]) with the letter to the editor email. The response would be similar to the thread: (Toronto Star anti-hybrid story) http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=17925
seriously, i'm really getting sick and tired of all these posts . . . Mirza, please don't construe this as an attack on you, I just think its really stupid to start a new post about whatever new article comes out bashing hybrids. Honesety, who gives a sh*t what they think? We all know our prii are great. Judgin by the number of prii i see out on the streets, we are only growing in nubmer. Let them bash hybrids all they want. All I care about is that $20 of gas can take me furhter than $50 of gas can on my neighbors H2. Like I said, ignorant people are always going to be out there, you're just wasting your time.
Rolling clouds of "smug" aside, we *do* have an opportunity [and some would say "obligation"] to educate. Hybrids aren't THE answer, but they're a nice interim step, have high inherent technical merit and a documented calming effect on their drivers, and are something that help get people THINKING. And in some cases, apparently REACTING. You won't reach all the buttheads out there, but you can at least make them eventually realize that *something* has changed. Otherwise, why would people be writing in? . _H*
I have to admit in just talking to people I hear them quoting these articles and talk about gettting a nonhybrid, so the articles are convincing people not to spend the money on them. I agree hybrids are not the final answer but they are a move in the right direction. So I guess I am concerned when I hear people who are reasonably intelligent not thinking because of some article they read.
I think that Toyota did a credible job at making this car recyclable and even has a facility to recycle the batteries. I think they have made an effort to make this as much an eco car as is possible. Surely keeping an older car running and not building a new car has it's advantages but not everyone has the time to do this. Some of need transportation that is good to go! My moms old 68 Mustang is (was RIP) not as polluting today as my recently built Prius but over the years it is worse than my Prius will ever be.