Hello I bought a new 2015 Prius last week. Today, after I was cleaning only the tire/wheels cavity area by hosing it down with water. I heard a water splashing or sloshing sound when i was parking the car back in the garage when the car is moving. My theory is that the water still remains in some cavity in the car. So I will see if the noise is still there tomorrow when I go to work. Should I be worried about this or is this common?
To hear water sloshing, a significant amount of water would have to collect. Where in the wheel cavity can hold a significant amount of water? Probably coming from your gas tank and your sensitive hearing.
Water being held anywhere -outside- the cabin is harmless. It will drain eventually. Pearl S leaves puddles in the garage after I wash her in the back yard and park her in the garage. Some of the drain holes are small and easily restricted by small pebbles. Long term sloshing as you drive can be caused by plugged drain hoses in the A/C system and sunroof (if equipped). Sloshing sounds coming from the hatch area should be investigated. Leaks can develop in the hatch seal and water can collect back there. Remove the cargo tray and spare tyre to look closely. Water and the traction battery don't get along well together.
I heard this same sound in my 2014 the other night after fill up. I was like Wth mate. But it went away, I guess it was the fuel bladder doing its thing.
I've heard this also and it sounds like it's coming from under the engine near the trans axle. I've only ever heard it after she has been in the rain. I also have the issue of my parking spot in the parking garage at work. It has a drain right next to it. When we have our lovely Florida monsoon down pours I've actually had the drain blowing water up like a mini geyser and into the front wheel well of the car. I've heard the sloshing after we've had a good down pour and leaving for home. I've basically chalked it up to water getting up under the plastic under panels and sloshing around. But I could be horribly incorrect on this.
Could it be gas in the tank sloshing? I can hear a sloshing from the gas tank, if the car's in park but emergency brake off, pushing it forward/back a few inches.
In our Gen2 the tray under the windscreen wipers and air intake filled with water when the drains either side blocked up. It really sloshed a lot until I discovered the cause and a straightened cloths hanger solved the problem.
I think that it could be the gas tank making the sounds. I heard it today when i was testing it by breaking quickly while backing up slowly. There was no dripping liquid underneath the car. I heard it while the engine is off and using the EV mode, therefore I can hear much better.
I think he means the wheel wells. There is a flap door on the 12 volt battery side, vents to the outside. I think it's in behind the rear bumper, not wheel well. Maybe water got in through there? I'm still voting that it's gas in the tank though.
i think there's another thread on sloshing sound when coming to a stop, and the conclusion was gas tank. it depends on how full it is.
you should check the spare wheel area. These cars leak like a rusty bucket. I found gallons of water in my spare well and 12v battery well. "Well" being the correct description!! There are plugs in those areas you can pull out and drain the water. 2 big ones in the tire area and a small one in the battery area. Surely someone knew these cars collected water. As for where it is coming from it appears to be 2 likely areas. The channel around the hatch gasket is one. It looks like water can run down the channel and into the crack where the taillight housing meets. I think I also get water in the taillights (an added bonus!) But the other main opportunity for water infiltration is the large battery vent which vents out to the bumper area. The back stop is like a flimsey peice of felt. If you need to change your 12v, you will see all of this. Oh yeah, and the 12v battery often dies because of the goofy sequence Toyota built into the car. If you open your car door before you turn off the engine you risk a dead battery the next time you start the car. ALL of these issues should have been cleaned up after 1st generation. But hey why bother as long as they are selling like hot cakes.
it's really a very small number of cars, not like a major defect in terms of quantity, unless you're measuring quantity of water.
If there's any doubt that "sloshing" might be "gurgling", check your two coolant reservoirs to ensure that they are at the proper levels. Wouldn't be the first time that a Toyota left the dealer with fluids low.
your new car comes with free beers ....... you just have to find them! When you find and drink them, the sloshing stops in the car (may continue in your stomach though)