Im wondering if GY would honor a warranty on their tires I got on my Prius. They came as stock and are needing replacement at 42K. Religiously followed rotation schedule.
The tire warranty is with the tire manufacturer. 42K is better than most on here for OEM tires. OEM tires do not have the full tread depth as new replacement tires.
thanks for the info. I really liked the assurance that came on the vehicle. i may just go for them again. They are now done and I got and avg of 52mpg with them
What was the warranty? <Sorry, just noticed the title. I'm not trying to be argumentative, just wondering: is that true??
The only tire warranties I know of typically only over 12 mo / 12K miles, and are limited sole to "manufacturing defects" and make no guarantee of tread life. The much advertised "60K mile tire" claims are more guidelines than anything else. At least that's been my experience.
Good luck getting OEM tires warrantied. You usually get the run around between the tire dealer and the car dealer. They both point the fingers at each other.
I do not know, if they came with a warranty, from Michelin, it should be good. If they're right at the wear bars, Michelin would likely come through for (60-42)/60 of the cost of replacement with same.
Yes. Have you ever been able to get the mileage from OEM tires as new tires? Check a new OEM tire against a new non-OEM tire for tread depth.
Hmm, I might check that when I'm at the dealership for spring oil change stuff. Skulking 'round the lot with my notebook and tread depth gauge, hope they don't haul me in, lol. I'm skeptical, that would be a lot of retooling, and for what. Will call urban legend for now, but will check, say an EP20 for example.