I have had my 8 month old Prius for a week. I have used cruise control fine before and after the incident. All of a sudden we started slowing down. Doing any thing on the cruise control had no effect. I canceled it. But every time I pressed the accelerator I just got the amber warning light come up and the card beeped at me and no acceleration. The cruise control didn't get the car going ither. I had to stop on the motorway. Put the car into park then put it into drive and drove off fine and the car has worked fine since. Anybody had this.
A couple of times I've wondered why the cruise-control didn't seem to be working as the car was slowing down, despite me having set the speed, and then I noticed that I hadn't switched the cruise-control on! (duh!!!!) (…or perhaps I'd accidentally switched it off!) - but I'm not sure about amber warning lights or beeps (??)
This sounds like a hazardous condition, the main problem NOT being with the cruise control but with the fact that it wouldn't respond to the gas pedal either. The cruise properly disengaged when the computer knew that something was wrong with the engine/drive train. I think you need a dealer visit to look for codes that might have been set. And the next time that lights light, it is important to note exactly which ones are coming on.
Maybe it's got nothing to do with the cruise control? What happens when you step on the gas; do you hear it rev up? Or nothing much? Can you describe the amber warning light, what shape?
When I stepped on the gas nothing happened other than the warning light (I think that it was the lower triangle one not the ABS one) and the car had a warning noise the engine didn't respond at all. Didn't have the warning light or sound if I didn't have the foot on the gas. Braked fine and car work fine after stopping and getting going again.
Looking through the Owners Manual, there's multiple pages regarding triangle warning with exclamation mark, usually accompanied by a message in the upper dash display. Get it to the dealership?
It seems that the only thing missing from that wonderful multi-informational display is the following missive (in BOLD, FRIENDLY LETTERS!) - DON'T PANIC!!!!!!
I have thought for a long time that certain lights should be accompanied by a flashing STOP DRIVING NOW, along with a siren sound similar to an air raid warning........so that people won't continue to drive with no oil for instance. Some probably would anyway.