HID Problems

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by lunyty, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. lunyty

    lunyty Junior Member

    Nov 3, 2014
    Kingston Tn
    2008 Prius
    2008 same headlight problem as everybody else,,intermittent failure one side or the other or both,turn lights off then back on and they are ok for a while....i replaced both controllers and both bulbs,now the right bulb has gone out about 3 times in the last month,,,should i be looking at controller or bulb,,i would just switch bulbs from one side to the other ,but i'm getting tired of taking the bumper cover off this car ,,What should i look at first any help much appreciated .........
  2. Underfoot

    Underfoot Junior Member

    Dec 21, 2014
    2004 Prius
    I found this on the forum and want to know if anyone else has confirmed the correction i have a 2004 with 270k

    ยท This is a little late but I found a solution that doesn't involve buying new headlight
    Had the same problem with the lights flicking off but coming back on when I rolled the control lever off/on

    Check it out:
    If you remove the bumper cover and the driver side light you will see the front of the relay and fuse box with a host of wires bundled together and coming out to all the sensors and lights. Turn your lights on and jiggle that bundle of wires a bit and you might see one of the lights go off. I got this idea from a post on another page about a guy finding a connection loose on another year model prius. He had the same issue with the headlights.

    I assume the connection is being lost for a fraction of a second and the computer is set not to continue current if the circuit is broken. So now, why is it jiggling? Look further below the relay box to see the top of your coolant tank/pump.

    There is a foam cover black hose running into the top of the pump that cools your generator. The bracket holding the hose to the pump is connect by three screws. Check to see if all of them are tight because if it isn't, your bundle of wires is being bounced by that bracket.

    I found that Toyota didn't punch the drill all the way through one of the hole and that prevented the bracket from being tightened adequately. I found this out, only, after I snapped the bolt. I ended up using a sponge shoved underneath the bracket and a zip tie to hold it in place. It isn't right but it go the job done.