Hello fellow Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon) owners. I have 2013 Prius v Three (Three not III as Roman numerals were used for the 2010 model year prius) model. Bought it brand new. Unfortunately, I've been having a problem with my iPod/ USB connector since day one. When I plug my updated iphone 5 in, it takes forever to load. Once it finally does load, I push the voice command button and request an artist. The artist and album list menu shows, but it won't play the song. Toyota has replaced the memory unit once. The problem was fixed, but now it's reoccurring again a few months later. When I have my iPhone plugged in, it does charge, but the voice command is useless. The voice command does however work for the GPS and calling features. Does anyone else have this problem? Oh, when I took it in for it's first oil change, I mentioned this problem to the dealership again. They said it was due to the IOS 8 updated software. I think that's a load of BS. The first time, they tried to blame it on my old ipod classic not having up to date software. Now it's malfunctioning because I updated my software. I like how Toyota loves to point the finger before they do the repairs! Basically, I paid for a feature that I'm not able to use.
There are two players here, Toyota and Apple. And no independent third party certifying compliance with standards, standards which change over time too, BTW. Be specific about what revision of software/firmware you have on both and lets see if others are having similar problems. I think it will be helpful to see if it is a generic problem or one specific to your phone and car?
Hello, I have the 8.1 software on my iphone 5. The service adviser at the dealership just told me this morning that many Prius owners with the Entune software are having problems with the USB once they update there software on their ipod or iphone to IOS 8. Apparently, Apple has made the new software more secure to prevent hacking and bugs. The new Apple software is blocking any third parties aka Entune being one of them from syncing. Toyota will be updating the Entune software with Apple sometime mid January or Februrary of 2015 (this is what I was told anyway). FYI, I am also using the original Apple USB cord as well so that was ruled out. Those of you who are experiencing the same issue should contact your dealership around mid January to check if Toyota has updated Entune with Apple. This should correct the problem. In the meantime, we could still use our bluetooth connection.
I have Entune on my Tacoma and I'm VERY disappointed in that product. It doesn't work reliably with either my old iPod Classic or my newer iPhone 5. I get the same crap from the dealer when they point the finger at Apple and my devices. The last tech tried it with his new Android phone and proclaimed that it worked fine. I said "Perfect. It's all set then. Give me your phone and I'll give you my iPod." He looked at me like he wanted to punch me for being a smartass. While I love my Tacoma and my Prius and generally think Toyota makes great products, I'll never buy another Entune product. I'll swap out the sound system as soon as I can afford it. [UPDATE] Some folks on the TacomaWorld.com board get around it by using a USB flash drive instead of an iPod or phone for their music. I've tried it and it works but has it's limitations, too. There's no ideal solution with Entune. You can search the web for Entune and find all kinds of issues and few good solutions.
Just wandered over to the TacomaWorld.com board and somebody uploaded the latest Entune 3.2 software. If you look around there, you can probably find a guide on how to install. Apply at your own risk. [UPDATE: I updated the link so it goes to a different view. Look for the down arrow which will download the .zip file.]
\ I tried to get the Entune update info but nothing comes up? Thanks anyway though I wonder if Toyota can remove Entune and replace it with something else? Would they have to replace the entire audio system if they do that?