yes and no; depends where you're at. at my locale it would be recoverable in ~<10 years, if I choose to install them myself. Move to SoCal with 50% more sun exposure, bigger tax credit and doubled electric rate and it makes very good sense!
Can you give your numbers? It seems strange to me that in Maine with much less sunlight, lower electric prices, it can be economic, but not in California.
this is like the premise of this entire thread. but it's completely at odds with reality. NO ONE buys the PiP at MSRP. There's a thread that I used to maintain (but haven't updated in ages) that has a spreadsheet of all the purchase prices reported on this board. Many times the purchase price, even after just federal incentives, is actually BELOW the typical sale prices of Prius III models, which are actually not as well-equipped (lack heated seats and the plug). as far as people mentioning here that it is IMPOSSIBLE for solar to not make economic sense…here's a surprise for you…not everyone's bill is over $100/month. my parents live in a 4-bedroom house with a pip that gets charged nightly in the garage and their monthly electric bill in SoCal is under $50/month…it is doable if you care enough to do it.
You aren't getting it. The word 'Free' means paid for by someone else.* Thus it is a word with actual use. If nothing was free why would we need a word for it? * unless it means 'paid for by you whether you want it or not' as when it is used in car commercials, etc.
Not sure why you think having a bill over $100 is required to have solar make economic sense. My bill is around $30 per month, and solar could make economic sense for me. 4 panels would bring my usage down to 50 kWh per month (the minimum that I need to pay anyways), at $3.40 per peak watt, installed is $3,468 financed at 2.99% for 19 years is $19.96 per month. That means that my Time Until Free is 19 years, until that time, I get a locked-in inflation-free payment for my electric bill. What's not to love? I will note that most companies are going to look at bit wonky at installing 4 panels*, but that is where a solar farm is the perfect solution. Either rent your own roof, and make a profit, or get a small share of a big farm somewhere else. I am sure, if you keep fumbling around for more and more unlikely scenarios, you will find one where solar doesn't make sense, but if that doesn't apply to YOU personally why bother, other than to make you feel justified in the decision you have already made. * - installing them yourself than becomes VERY attractive. $1.00 per PW, Total cost $1020, Time Until Free: 4 years 7 months!
All these low energy bills!!! I'm all electric (no gas) at my (town)house and have seen as high as $200-$300+ on high usage months (mid summer / mid winter) it sucks. Granted the autumn months are not bad as no ac, but still blows spending 2-3 bills for electric. I still think my wife uses the washing machine / dryer too often (energy guzzlers) but who am I to accuse her of such an attrocity. Lol.
Aah but you are forgetting something: $10 out of your $30 bill are account maintenance fee. Even if you switch to solar you still have to pay it.
2013 Yamaha FZ1, it's a liter bike not known for spectacular mpg but a darn blast to ride, it's geared down 1 tooth to a 16t front sprocket which doesn't help mpg but helps a lot in bottom end punch. I Average 30 mpg when getting on it hard, might be able to squeeze 36 if steady cruising at a sedate pace.
What bugs me with our electrical bill is all the extras: Actual consumption: $31.51 (419 kW.h @ $0.0752) And all this crap: $4.99 (Basic charge) $1.83 (Rate rider) $1.87 (Regional transit levy) $2.01 (Goods and Services Tax, GST) $10.70 (Total)
I almost got an FJR at one point. It was one of those "hard to pass" deals, what stopped me the 36MPG. If you think of prices in some remote locations on west coast, $5.98 at death valley is extreme, but there were many places with prices in $4.5-5/gal range, 5-800mi day becomes really expensive. My geared up 650 kwak twin gets 53 fully loaded 2up. Granted it doesn't have the acceleration at higher altitudes, so it must be double shifted down for passing. IMHO gearing down does improve acceleration in 1st and 6th gear, but once you adjust to different shift points it makes no difference in between. Fizzer would wheellie in 1st anyways, so IMHO it is all about 6th gear. But if you need it you can just keep in 5th.
It is included right there in my analysis, not sure why you think I have forgotten it. If you aren't willing to pay $10 per month for (essentially) a 100% efficient (SEASONAL!) battery system, I don't have a lot of sympathy. Oh, and that $10 also buys me 50 kWh of electricity as well, don't forget that.
I've never seen another PiP since I bought mine. Mine was steeply-discounted because it sat unsold at the dealer for 2 years. I read an article that says the PiP is the lowest-selling Plug-in in Canada, and the Volt outsells it by 4 times. It's probably in a similar position in other countries. Should the PiP be discontinued? No, and here's why: Anyone looking for a plug-in EV, will be disappointed by the 12-mile range on a charge. Not many, I imagine would find that very useful (as strictly an EV). However, as a hybrid, the Prius shines like no other, if you take into account fuel economy, interior space, power, comfort and reliability. The upshot is, if you're looking for a hybrid, the Prius is your best bet, and the PiP gives you the added advantage of EV operation within a small area, if that suits your lifestyle. However if you are primarily looking for an electric vehicle, the PiP is not the best choice out there.
+, +, no way, +, + I'm not a speed demon by any means but the PiP couldn't get out of its own way ! spot on for the others