After hearing the horn on the Prius tonight after trying to keep a jack@ss in his new Ford F-150 from cutting me off, I realized the stock horn sounds pretty weak. Anyone here consider upgrading or have already upgraded their stock horn? If so, what did you install? My brother installed a pair of Hella Supertones on his Matrix and it was definitely louder than stock.
Check out the link in my signature below. Not my thread, but I can vouch for the FIAMM horns used, others have mounted Hella Supertones too. SCH-I535
Thanks for the reply! This is good stuff. For some reason, this thread didn't show up in my search. Looks like everyone that has upgraded has definitely liked the sound of the aftermarket horn over the wimpy sounding stock one.
Do you know if these horns work on the Gen 2 Prius? Also, did he disconnect the 12 volt battery b4 installing?
Went with these FIAMMs for my Gen II...they work well...plug and play. Now it sounds like a real car horn.
Not sure if battery was disconnected, I didn't disconnect mine. Not sure about the Gen 2, hopefully someone will chime in. SCH-I535
If you can watch this without a good belly laugh you have no soul!!! no one in video seemed offended either. Seems they all had a chuckle also.
I installed a couple of air horn trumpets and an storage air tank in my PiP, i does really make a difference.
The stock horns should be banned! I too went with Fiamm's but I say go air horns too! no more meep meep.. but aaaaarrrrrrrrr!
Got cut-off AGAIN tonight...same spot in my commute...580W to 680N. It was raining. I was in the right lane, right up against the K-rail, when someone in a Altima in the adjacent lane starts to drift into my lane. Used the pathetic stock horn and kept them at bay without sending me into the k-rail. Just ordered the FIAMM 72102 and 72112. Should be here by Friday, just in time for a weekend install.
Yes, the upgraded horns have saved us several times now from inattentive drivers making lane changes without checking their blindspot. SCH-I535
Thanks again for the info xliderider! Will let you know how the install goes! From what it looks like from the previous posts in the thread you shared, its plug and play!
I installed these, that I purchased off of Amazon. They are half the price of the Toyota ones. They are Made n Japan. I believe tat they supply the JDM horns to Toyota. They mount with the same screws and the brackets needed no modification. I had to extend one of the wires only.
nope, per packaging, one high and one low.. I tried it this morning and it just sounds slightly different. Perhaps it's where it's recorded versus out in the open. I will have to record mine to compare. I still get cut off but at least I know they can hear me.. or a better chance of hearing me. I think it's a combo of no respect for the Prius and soft horn.
Just installed the FIAMM's this afternoon. Pretty straightforward thanks to all the info shared here! Ended up taking off the front emblem to get access to the passenger side horn. I was able to get to the drivers side no problem before tackling the passenger side.
Just installed the FIAMM's and wow what a difference they make!! I have large hands so I also remove the 2 bolts and the plastic clips that hold the front facia on, so I could pull it forward. Much easier for me that way. I also removed the stock brackets holding the OEM horns and used the brackets supplied by FRAMM. I assembled the horns to the bracket out in the open, then just had to thread the one bolt holding the bracket back in and hook up the one wire. Took me about 30 mins.