So it seems a blindspot camera system has popped up on ebay for our prius c that will just use the radio screen, just sucks it's like $300+ from the pictures and half instructions on the item sale page...seems to be sort of simple, but would probably need to buy the kit to see for sure what's so special about it that makes it $300+, when it just seems to just have 2 extra cameras for the side mirrors and another harness for the radio, and looks like a module of some sort... 'Panoramic Integrated' Blindspot Camera System for Toyota 2012 2015 Prius C | eBay Anyone done it yet? If not please someone with dough...go buy and test, and post pics for us
that sure is a good product. It actually might be worth its money. There are other ways to make this system. But i have priced it out and the module to get all the cameras to display at the same time is around 100. Then you have to source the cameras and the proper wiring and connectors. you might be able to make it for maybe 200-250. But nothing less than that. So this might be a good deal. I might actually buy it down the road
It still looks like over-kill to me. I believe there's a simpler way to wire an inexpensive camera into the head unit display. That's what I'm working on currently.
But how many cameras are you going to install? Installing one camera is easy to do. Its already been done before and has been written about already. Adding side view cameras to display at the same time together has not been done. You would need to buy a video processor that accepts RCA input and also works on 12v. You would essentially need a 3 channel video processor so you could have 2 side and 1 rear camera active and displaying at the same time. It would be best to get the more common 4 channel processor but you are still looking at 100 just for the processor. another 20 for cheap cameras (60 for 3 cams) and then you have to do all the wiring and routing of wires. The ebay kit seems to make a lot of it plug and play. Im sure over time, the price will decrease ever so slightly, but nothing too cheap. Also, i believe the ebay kit might work on turn activation too. I havent done any research into it but that would be a nice feature. When you turn on the turn signal, the camera turns on. That doable with a homemade kit too, just need a couple of relays and diodes.
Just got clarification from the seller(s) that the blinkers will activate the side cameras to display on the screen...and there won't be any simultaneous split screen display of cameras (in cases of backing up into that parallel spot with blinker on) those situations, reverse camera will override the side cameras I don't really need side cameras, since it's a habit of me to turn and look, before turning on blinker as a courtesy/legality, then changing lanes. It would just be a bad driving habit to not even turn and look to my changing lane(s) and just turn on the blinkers and look at the screen for cars or not (eyes would be off road), then change lanes OR to even turn and look, turn on blinkers, look at screen (taking eyes off road), then switch lanes... However, I do like to tinker and would probably just like to install a system for a owhs and awhs factor from my passengers and maybe it might come into some use for those moments you miss something (or not)
Ah ok. Thanks for clearing up the split screen question. I would have liked that feature, but the blinker feature is good enough.