I'm looking to purchase the G's bumper from japan; whether it be at auction or whatnot, I need it shipped to California: San Francisco or Los Angeles -- whichever, really. Problem is, I'm not looking to pay upwards of $1000 for shipping. Advice I'm getting is to get someone who orders containers worth of parts and have my bumper get a ride in that container. Now, I don't know anyone that does such orders Does anyone have any suggestions or know anyone that may be able to help on shipping cost? These bumpers are inexpensive (used) and I wanna jump on one to make the conversion already.
Military. I had a connect that was in Japan and I was ordering all kinds of stuff for my cars. FPO post office to stateside post office is cheaper. Unless you have a friend or connection in Japan...it's going to be costly. iPhone ?
its prob cheaper to buy a ticket on JAL ... fly there pick it up and pay the over size baggage fee. we brought back bumpers and XB hatches before ...