I am interested in doign some travel and sleeping in my 2008 Prius. I have seen a couple of examples on Youtube, so it is very possible. I would appreciate any hints from anyone who has slept in the back of the vehicle (rear seats down of course). What is the best solution for ventilation? Has anyone installed 12V power outlet for a fridge? Thanks.
Hobbit did a write up on his website years ago about a relay he put in to draw current from the little 12 volt to run the fan on the climate control. As far as a fridge is concerned, I have ran one off of the 12 volt, but only when the Prius was in "Ready" mode. FWIW, if you must sleep in the Prius I would suggest leaving it in "Ready" mode. Just park it somewhere that Carbon Monoxide will NOT be a problem. Then you can run the climate control, your refrigerator and whatever else you choose to. Or do like KK6PD suggests - Motel 6, they will leave the light on for you. LaQuinta's are rather nice too. I hear Super 8's are a great value and a good nights sleep too! Ron (dorunron)
I've done it. Have to remove the headrests from the front seats, then put the backs all the way down. It's quite bumpy. If you inflate an air mattress, there is very little head room (or any other kind of room, for that matter), but it can be done. And it's a real hassle if you have to get up in the middle of the night to pee. I took care of ventilation by leaving the windows open an inch or two, and putting mosquito netting on the outside with some magnetic strips. Also tried leaving the windows closed and the A/C on, but I am a very light sleeper, and found it was often waking me up. For all the problems, it is worth the hassle to put up a tent if I can.
They leave the lights on for you so you can see all the cock roaches running around. Not to mention LICE in your bed!
suzanne online. a prius rv. sorry i am computer illiterate. spent several weeks in my prius this year.
Take plenty of cats with you. They're warm. Actually I read somewhere that during Katrina, no pun intended, that some guy ran a mini fridge of his Prius for a week. Naturally the vehicle was in run mode. I don't think he sleep in it though.
TT Thanks for that. I believe you can put the front seats forward, and this gives you 6 feet of sleeping space. A thinner mat might be the way to go. Sound interesting. Did you sleep in the back? If so, how did you do it? Ha! I'm thinking that it would be best to have natural ventilation, as long as the weather is not too hot. Maybe the battery type esky is the way to go for the fridge.
pull headrests off rear and passanger seats push pass seat all way forward recline front pass seat. put down moving blanket and foam mattress pad down, rear seat also down pillows, try to make as flat as possible. not too hateful. leave in run mode and you got heat & ac if you want it
Here is the link to Hobbit' write up about sleeping in the Prius. Prius camping Lots of good tips on that page.
Check out this link. This guy has it figured out. Glenn Nagel Photography | Prius Camping- New & Improved
Thanks for that- a great article. I've realised that down here in Australia we have a disadvantage in that the rear seat 60/40 split is in the same position as for the USA, however the drive is on the other side, so the best option here would be to put the driver's seat forward, and place a storage tub behind it to bring the height up to the level of the folded rear seat. That way there is still 6 feet of sleeping space.
Sorry to bring back the thread, but I just came across the Habitents yesterday and was going to post--you beat me to it, Paul. That looks like a great solution to being able to hang out in the car interior when it's too wet, etc, to be outside. The Prius is likely to become my camper going forward (electrical gremlins are plaguing the old truck), and I am seriously considering picking up one of these. That extra sit-up room looks like a big help. They also have some sleeping setup suggestions on their site. They specify a type/size of storage tub that, when placed in the footwells, extends the sleeping area. I think I'll just sleep with my feet towards the front and let them dangle over the gap. I bet that tent window is great for stargazing.
I just recline the drivers seat and pass out. Then again 6 years of being in the military gives me the ability to sleep anywhere.