Hi guys, This might be a stupid question, but I figure it's better to be safe than sorry. Is Mobil Synergy 1000 a good fuel choice for a 2012 Prius c? I've only used regular 91 petrol until now, and when I went to Mobil to try their fuel I noticed a warning on the pump that people should check with their manufacturer before using it.
That's interesting, I've never seen 87 before. The options at pumps I've seen in this country (New Zealand) are 91 or 95. I'm interested in whether the stuff that Mobil adds to the fuel in their Synergy 1000 mix is safe and/or beneficial for my car.
91 RON is same as 87 AKI (AKI = RON + MON/2) Correct me if I am wrong, but the Mobil Synergy 1000 sounds like Regular grade in USA, except I see no reference to ethanol. So sounds like it's similar to US regular E0 and has good additives (we call it Top Tier in USA). In short I see no issue. What you don't want is any kind of organo-metallic octane booster, but I see no reference to that.
It just sounds like standard additives we almost demand use of in USA, but I'd be confused since they say check with owners manual...sounds like great fuel that we are not allowed to use in much of USA. In much of USA we have to remove better MPG components to make it cleaner burning, and we then further water it down with 10% ethanol. This sounds so good to me: forbidden fruit here. I am not expecting a big difference between brands. I bet you get 10% better MPG on this than what I have to use.
Great, thanks, I'll give it a try. It's usually cheaper than the petrol from other companies so it will be great if I can use it.
...but I think you need to ask, why I am checking with the manufacturer before using? What is the issue? Does not yet make total sense.
The real question is: What exactly IS "Mobil Synergy 1000" fuel anyway ?? You are wise to follow the warning. And you probably would be wise to NOT take the recommendation of someone here who doesn't KNOW what it is either. You don't have a good answer yet.
The MSDS just shows standard gasoline components, and the website has no such language about checking with the manufacturer.
NZ 91 is 91 RON, which is probably very close to 87 R+M/2. It's zero alcohol. The reason for the manufacturer warning is because you shouldn't be putting this fuel into something high performance, turbocharged, etc. It's the fuel of choice for the Prius. If in doubt, call the people who make the car and ask them.
Matt what about Japan? I am thinking they have ~85 R+M/2 regular, what does the Nippon Prius op guide say about which fuel to use in Japan? ( I thought I already asked this but I do not see my orig post - apology if this is a duplicate)
I used Marathon no ethanol in Ohio, no appreciable difference in mileage at all. Just the cost was outrageous at $4.45 per gallon
The hi-octane stuff is 100 RON, which I've read is somewhere around 97 R+M/2. Not sure what the regular rating is, but that's what Toyota says to use.
Thanks Matt...but just to be clear - I think you are saying Regular grade is the recommendation in Japan, with no Octane number stated.