Folks, Having seen little movement on the waiting list locally, I decided to try placing an order in the Prius-rich state of West Virginia. The WV dealer I am working with, Bert Wolfe Toyota, is currently estimating wait times of 2-4 months, depending on their allocations (2 months is assuming the June level continues - 4 months assumes a return to the April/May allocation levels for their dealership). Their policy is that they sell at MSRP. Here is a quote from an email I received from them: "We do not charge over M.S.R.P. We do not believe in doing business that way." If you're looking for a Prius, and do not mind travelling to Charleston, WV to purchase one, here is their contact information: Jason Deskins Scion Sales Manager Bert Wolfe Toyota 1900 Patrick Steet Plaza Charleston, WV 25330 Main: 304-344-1601 Toll free: 888-595-1601 If you should contact them, please ask for Jason, and tell him you heard about them from Glenn Williams through I'd appreciate that, and I guess Danny would too.
i agree. i just was informed that i should have mine before the end of this month, making it 2.5 months since i ordered my salsa #9 (bc). pleasant to deal with, no pressure, msrp. advantage toyota, barboursville WV, jeremy childers, salesperson, 304-736-5400
Don't be surprised if you recieve one of my 3 month old's diapers in the mail. And it won't just be a wet one :mrgreen:
I think hazerdous waste in the mail is a federal offense I think they should rename the Salsa #9 from BC to BBC for bigbaldcuban. :wink:
hehe... been many years since i had to deal with that. but i think i still remember... (calling) "HONEY - the baby smells..."
Actually, patients send stool cards throught the mail all the time, one of many ways of screening for colon cancer
And you're alive to tell the story?! My wife would have kicked my A** then shot me :guns: Then I would STILL have had to change the diaper...'course with twins there was plenty to go around. :flame:
"Plenty of $%@! to go around"... I think that's the corporate motto for my company. (That, or part of our Mission Statement.) :mrgreen:
Bert Wolfe Toyota was excellent to deal with. I'm out of Atlanta and bought mine in mid-May from them. Dealt with Richard, their fleet mgr. No hidden agenda's, straight MSRP. I flew in the day the Prius came off the truck and they had it preped and me on my way within 4 hours. T
Just curious, when did you order from Bert Wolfe, and/or how long was your wait? How many others were on their list at the time? The numbers might be reassuring to those of us still waiting. :wink:
My sister in VA got hers in Barboursville WV because I told her that WV wait times were MUCH shorter than in her area. She was very happy with her purchase, and she even had a shorter wait time than I did in California (less than 2 months, I think--she took delivery at the end of March).
My sister in VA got hers in Barboursville WV because I told her that WV wait times were MUCH shorter than in her area. She was very happy with her purchase, and she even had a shorter wait time than I did in California (less than 2 months, I think--she took delivery at the end of March).
FWIW, I tried contacting Advantage Toyota and learned they are now gouging (I mean surcharging) $2500 over MSRP for anyone not in the Mid Atlantic Region. They had some lame excuse about that being the region's policy due to cars being sold out of region affecting future allocations. ukeleft: :violin: :tomato: Based on the responses I received from several other WV dealers before I ordered from Bert Wolfe, that is just a lame excuse for price gouging. No other WV dealers I contacted had such an "out-o-region" surcharge... G.
the folks at advantage told me, when i picked up my car last week at MSRP, that i was the last one, and that they have been 'pressured' from higher up the toyota food chain to charge more to out-of-towners to discourage them from buying. i can't say for sure what the reasoning is or whether it's BS or not, but they are consistent in their story, at least. and they were very nice to me.
From what I heard from Mark Phillips at Advantage, I think it is a new markup. As for the pressure from "higher up", I doubt it. The other WV dealers I heard from: Bert Wolfe, Ramey, Buchannon Auto Mall, Dan Cava, and Superior aren't doing that...alt least not yet. Sigh. I'm glad you were able to get your Prius before they decided to jack up the price. G.