After one year of ownership and 25,000 miles later...I love it! My 2013 Prius (II) is the most practical car I have ever owned. It fits all three of my kids in the back seat (one car seat, 2 boosters) plus my wife and I comfortably. It took a bit to get used to driving it but after applying the "Smith System", I'm averaging 52.6 MPG and will probably be at 53 MPG very soon. Anyways, glad to be part of this group and I hope to achieve 500,000 miles on my Prius
Frank2345 – 52.6 Lifetime MPGs over 12-months/25,000-miles using the “Smith System” is a great Official EPA MPG beating average fuel economy number. Tweaking the “Smith System” to make it “Hybrid $mart-er” will serve to elevate your MPGs onward and upward during the next 12-mos/25-Kmiles over 2014-2015. Trust me…Thar Is More MPG Gold In Dem Thar Murrieta, CA Hillz. By further refining your pre-operative set-up and driving technique, you should be able to elevate your current 105% of EPA MPG number to have it converge on at least 110% of Official EPA Combined MPGs.
What is the "Smith System"? I went here Smith: Home but didn't see anything about driving for best mileage.
California Bear - The "Smith System" is a program developed for truck drivers to increase safety and efficiency. One part of it is allowing yourself enough room between you and the car in front of you and thus keeping momentum for as long as possible (use brakes less, look ahead so cars in front triggers light...etc...). Usually it's 8 seconds for truck drivers and 4-5 seconds for your private vehicle. Catgic - 55 MPG is a challenging goal that I shall look forward to. Thanks for the tip.
This reminds me that my single complaint to date is that my 8-yr old granddaughter can't buckle herself with her booster seat because the connector is located so close to the seat cushion, even I have a hard time. She legally doesn't need a booster, but she likes being able to see out the window.
Is it worth the hassle of getting a (free?) seat belt extender? Free Seatbelt Extender from Toyota | PriusChat
I don't know, but thanks for the link. Now that I read the thread though, I remember reading something about an extender, but it didn't register. I just searched the manual and found it. I'll check with my dealer. EDIT: Just Live Chatted with my dealer and they'll check with the Parts Dept tomorrow and let me know.
I found a 10 year old thread here... Seat Belt Extenders, *FREE* - Toyota Prius Forum : Prius Online Toyota Forums "6", 9", 12", 15", and 18" are available for any Toyota for free, but it is recommended to dealers that they do not stock them, but order them as needed to the appropriate fit of the customer. they come only in black. the part number/model varies by make/model." Probably the shortest one they make would work for your needs?
Got a call back today from the parts department based on my Live Chat. Had to go in to order one because they need the Vin and a waiver signed. Ordered the 6" and figured the seat belt will fit my granddaughter in the booster the same as it would without the booster/extender, so safety should not be an issue.
And don't forget to ask for as many as you need, I only asked for the one and I don't know if more than that will still be free. They also asked which seat it was for, so maybe they are taking a survey to see if they need to make a change. I suspect most people don't even notice it in the manual and if they do, it doesn't register, like it didn't with me.
I feel much the same about my 3.5 month old 2014 Prius 4 with 2600 miles on it. I've not done mpg calcs seriously -- but it's great. Hope mine makes it to 500,000 miles, too, with me driving it -- because at this rate that would put me well over 100 in age