I'm really just posting this to share what I've learned (painfully) over the past 2 weeks. Two weeks ago, after a rainy night, my abs light and traction light came on. I took the car in. A rat had eaten the ABS sensor on the left front side, above the wheel. $950 and three days later, the sensor had been replaced and rodent guards were installed to keep the rats from getting inside the cabin of the car (!). Not under warranty. My insurance covered all but the $500 (!) deductible. My PiP has 2000 miles on it... Service dept. said "this happens all the time, especially to Priuses, and even more often to new Priuses, possibly more often to PiP because there are more wires." Yes, they love that soybean covering on the wires, particularly the orange stuff. Popcorn For Rats. I live very near downtown Santa Cruz. I'm not in a rural area. The car is parked in a covered carport. There are rats in almost all urban areas in CA now. More this year, apparently. They love getting inside when it rains, warm up, make a nest out of insulation and wiring, have a little snack. Service dept. advised anybody with a newish Prius to at least get the rodent screening to keep them from getting into the cabin of your car, and showed me another car that had come in where that happened. New car, carpet eaten, seats eaten, the smell really remarkable... Two days later, rain again, lights came on again. This time, it was the right front speed sensor. Great car insurance paid for the whole thing, but if it happens again, I'll have to pay the $500 deductible again. Have read all threads and more on keeping rats out of PiP. This is what I've tried this past week (lots of rain...). So far, so good. When the car is parked, every day: (1) lit up the carport with a 200 watt lightbulb and white LED lights on the sides and under the car at night (rats hate light). (2) keep the hood open now at night (ditto). (3) sprinkle cayenne pepper around and on top of the front wheels (burns their noses/uncomfortable but not harmful) (4) sprinkled red pepper flakes same places (ditto). (5) put a rodent cab pine scented packet underneath the car when parked (6) Bounce dryer sheets on top of the front two wheels (7) lit up our front yard (8) spray 100% pure peppermint oil drops in water all around the car. Annoyed that Toyota and Honda use soybean products in wiring, and have for years, and know about this. Glad they're trying to be green, but... if they could just put a little cayenne pepper in the wiring coating... Sigh. ETA: We just can't bring ourselves to use snap traps. We did catch a big rat with a havahart last week.
There have always been rats in SoCal. You just haven't always had cars that they like to hang out in. I've found that they're nocturnal, but light bulbs don't really bother them that much. you might try a strobe or flashing LED fixture. Some of the eco-chic scents (mint, citrus, cat urine etc...) can work short term, but I don't like my car smelling like minty, citrusy, cat pee----so in the end it's going to come down to hardening your car and killing meices. I'd recommend that you try all of the usual barrier methods but I'd also recommend glue traps. Not only are they very effective, but with a pair of pliers? They're reusable. Sometimes their little feet will stay on the glue trap, but I've always had cats and they like to play with the mice we catch that way. Just about the time you make your fourth or fifth comprehensive insurance claim and your rates start climbing (or you get dropped!) you will find that it's a little easier to turn rodents into compost or cat treats. Good Luck!
They make bait stations that do not appeal to anything except rats and mice......it seems. They are baited with blocks of bait that are hard and mounted on wires inside a substantial plastic box. If you secure them to something solid, like the concrete floor with construction glue, they should be safe even for kids and pets. They work VERY GOOD.
I was told peanut oil was used in the insulation on wiring. That was the draw. I had the problem in my stationary generation. Moth balls hung in the engine compartment did the trick for me.
I'm sorry, Bisco! Really, I've never seen rats running around here. We've never had them in our house. Most people I talk to about this can't believe it, although one friend went hiking with a Prius owner up in the mountains, and when they got back to the parking lot, the Prius wouldn't even start..hungry rodent... Rats hide well, and they're very, very smart. Will add the mothballs to my regimen, n6ifp. Thanks!
Mothballs evaporate rather rapidly, especially where there is high temperature and a lot of air movement. Recheck often.
Ultrasonic repellers can work, but all it takes is one rat who doesn't mind it so much, and the benefit is lost.