Completely. But you also have to pretend that British cars are not rubbish. Even Austin Allegros. And that MGs never broke down.
sorry, i had a '71 mgb, no amount of pretending will take away the memories. edit: i meant nightmares.
I can only apologise on behalf of my entire nation. I am very sorry for the enormous amount of time you must have spent lying on your back with bits of rust falling into your mouth. Please, define your gallons however you like. You deserve our sympathy and our flexibility.
it actually started better by having my friends push me and popping the clutch, than it did cranking the starter.
My Conversion: US Gallon = much cheaper. I do indeed. I regularly thank a benevolent GOD for the 'former' part.....although I do have a guilty lust for some British cars (Lotus) and aeroplanes (Who doesn't love Avros and Supermarines?) When did PR go metric? The last time I was there (admittedly some years ago) we bought our petrol in proper US gallons, and paid with proper US bucks.
Here in Canada, we use the Imperial gallon rarely, except when calculating our mileage, because 60 MPG sounds better than "60 IMPG" which is the same as 50 USMPG. And "4.1 L/100 Km" doesn't have much of an emotional impact at all.