Gen 3 2011 Prius Two, 37K miles, Blizzard Pearl. Lovin it so far. Lurked on the forum for about a month and signed up three weeks ago, looking to get some parts soon for maintenance and upgrades. This will be my daily and used for trips, so I was sure to get the trunk cover and cargo mat. I did a few minor mods and I know you guys like pictures: Here she is the day I bought her: I know the Hyundai trunk net is a popular accessory here but I liberated one from my previous car, so it was free, is a perfect fit and works : Front plate delete + bumper plugs. I could've gone the aftermarket bumperplugs route but $30.00 for plastic plugs is not my style. $0.80 at Lowe's is more like it. They're translucent plastic so you can still make out the holes, but I'm planning to get touch up paint in the future and I'll paint them at that time, or I'll get some sparkly white nail polish if I get impatient: Trunk pull handle. I don't like the inside trunk handle and it's awkward to close the gate when you're tall, and the alternative is to get your grubby paw prints all over the paint, and this solves those issues. You need to get Chicago screws (Lowe's again) to make the bracket fit flush and throw some electrical tape on the back to protect the paint from marring. I use the trunk about 4x a day so this was an immediate must have:
She looks cute, treat her well I do the same, use my prius for daily use rather than a gas guzzling monster.
Nice Prius, just double that $30 saved on the plastic plugs for the $60 fees to pay the processing fees for not displaying a front plate.
quite the backhanded compliment, sad to see negativity on this forum before all the cards are on the table as far as the guy's personal situation is concerned. anyway nice prius just wan na put that out there with no ohter comments
The car is not currently registered in a jurisdiction that requires me to display a front license plate.
So you moved out of California, eh? Might want to up date your profile and pictures. There are no "jurisdictions" in Cali that don't require both plates, as a lot of us have paid the ticket. If you're still a resident here, you might want to use an application to hide your license plate number.