Hey I would like to add lock unlock beep to my prius, someone can assist with finding the control wires for opne and close? in addtion the method (positive , netagtive triger)
The turn indicators flash when the car is locked or unlocked so any of the indicator lights would give a positive trigger. John (Britprius)
Check your user manual, I seem to remember that the lock/unlock beeps were a customisable option. I could be wrong.
AutoSpeed - Adding a Beep to Your Locking Hi! my prius 08 (European) does not have that factory installed with call option beep sounds, I'm opting for the scheme to connect the electric motor shutdown. Greetings!
hey, colmenedo ,your solution seems exactly what i need, i have prepared the diodes , the only problem is i can barely understand the wiring can you please send the colors ? on your diagram, is this positive trigger or negative?
in addition have found the motor wiring green and yellow, however it is needed to disable the alarm when the switch is open ,can be done with relay , and the main issue is that the signal for open or close will be identical... in a
the function of locking and unlocking doors will be affected without diode corresponding colors are identical to photos and diagrams iPhone ?