It used to work, since the latest website revision. But for the last few weeks, attempting to upload a file via my Iphone is broken, no response from the button.
No response from the mods either ;( Continues to not work, gotta email pics from phone, then post from pc.
I new here, but it worked yesterday for me. I posted a couple pics from my IPhone in the blizzard brigade thread. No issue. This fourm is in my opinion one of the easiest to work with and post pics in.
Mine's iPhone 5 with 8.1.0. Using Safari. Click on the button for upload a file, nothing happens, it doesn't behave like a link or react in any way.
Problems like this that 'may' involve the forum software fall in Danny's lap, not the moderators as we cannot do anything about it.
Oh ok. I have an ancient Iphone 4 which had not been updated in a while. Might be the new iOS that's the issue.
Posting from an Iphone 5 with OS 8 continues to be kaput. For me, the work around is to email myself, open email and save on pc. Cumbersome but works. But for folks with just a phone, not so good.
Iphone 4 is still working great for posting pics. Lol posting on pc is now the only good thing about having this "old outdated iPhone" haha! I really want a 6 though...
Hah! Anyway: Double checked, both in regular and "more options" mode, no joy. The button saying "Choose File" is completely unresponsive, well at least on my Iphone 5.