Oh, you mean you don't like the ridiculously inconvenient factory location? I was just thinking that they should have located them near the rear hatch opening, or maybe on the front bumper. Joking aside, I briefly considered this. Extending the wiring would be pretty simple, and re-locating the driver's switch to a convenient location would be no sweat, since most of us have a few blanks near the steering column. Finding a new location for the passenger control would be a bit more challenging.
It's not like you're constantly turning it on and off. It is in a somewhat inconvenient place, but how often do you really need to access it?
I actually accessed it several times during our recent trip. Not because it was cold, but because it sometimes feels good on my lower back during long drives. Yes, it's a bit inconvenient, but I didn't have any problems once I got comfortable with being able to find it without looking for it. Personally, I could do away with the filter button on the AC/heater control panel or EV/ECO/PWR buttons on the console, even though I do use the EV button sometimes and I can see a use for the PWR button under the right circumstances.
Electronics intimidate the crap out of me, but I would love to have the seat heater buttons up with the rest of the climate controls... like every other production car. Even better... seat heating should be part of the automatic climate control. Turn the heater on? Seat heater comes on too. Why keep the two separate?
Hi Patrick, Did this mod a few years back. Here is the post: Click Pictures will not show since the update a while back. Here is a pic: Basically, I added a switch in parallel with the driver side of the switch and located it under the start button in that blank. Hope this is helpful! -Zed
In Iowa we have already had temps for the past 2 weeks in the teens or lower with wind chills below zero so I use the heated seat feature often. I have considered a easy mod as simple as a short piece of plastic or wood rod with rubber tips to make the reach easier, I am a big guy and reaching that switch is hard, so is seeing it when trying to get to it.