Last night around 1:00, I was awakened by a noise I think was coming from my car parked below my window. It was plugged in at the time. I heard a loud, high pitched whine, followed by a couple of knocks or thumps, then a sound like R2D2 makes when he turns his head, then a couple more knocks, and another R2D2 noise. I think I may also have seen lights flashing around the the edges of my blackout blinds, but am not sure, since I had just been sound asleep. I am hoping someone can tell me that it was probably the car, and it is normal, otherwise I feel I may have missed my chance to see a ufo speeding off into the cosmos. Very strange noises to wake up to!! By the way, the car worked just fine today as always.
yes, the car does an emissions check sometime after it starts charging. can be quite surprising the first time you hear it.
Just dropping in to say the car is still working fine, and there has been no return of the alien horde. Thanks for letting me pick your brains.