Hopefully I am not violating any rules but I have been negotiating with dealers online and over the phone for a 2015 plug in. The best I got was 31,786 out the door. The quote for the car price was 28,995. Is this a good price or could I do better by walking in and starting from scratch with a different dealer? Btw, it is for a base model with no add ons. Thanks.
I'd wait. If anything, solicit some offers via true-car over the next few months, and turn them all down. That way the dealer will become familiar with you and hopefully will offer you a decent price. On top of that, with gas prices low, and carpool stickers in CA set to run out early next year, I imagine you could see something like ~$24500 plus TTL again like we saw in May of this year.
Thanks. I've read about huge rebates earlier this year and feel kinda upset that missed it. I've been having so much trouble, and putting so much money, in my current car that I am somewhat rushed to get into something new. But if I thought the rebates would come back again, I would gladly wait. I assumed the the deals ending in May were for outgoing 2014's. I surmised that those might not be seen again until next year for the 15's. But how will one ever know? For those tracking, did I miss a rare deal this may? Thanks.
welcome to priuschat! yes, there were some good deals on '14's earlier in the year. call dianne at carson toyota, she'll give you as good a deal as is available. all the best!
that's funny! give her a ring, she's the best in the biz. or you can pm her here, she's the high priestess. dianne whitmire.
I'm also waiting for better deals. Currently there are no incentives aside from 0% APR. You would think losing to Nissan every month and dropping gas prices would help them try and push them out the door would matter.
A 2015 Base around here is $30241 so you appear to be getting a very good price. What is your price through AAA or Truecar.com? I doubt the salesman on the floor is going to agree to a lower price than you'll get through the dealer's Internet Sales Dept but go ahead and try it. Why a PiP? Hatchbacks are cheaper and have an incentive. Prices may be lower as the model year ages and the market slows. The car you want may not be available when your old one dies. There will always be someone who paid more for your car and there will always be someone who paid less. The best time to buy the car is when you found what you want at a fair price.
I want the PiP because my daily community is about 10 miles total, so I would essentially always be driving for "free". I can charge at work as well. Just a few months ago we had Federal Inventives, Toyota Incetives etc. That has all but dried up and now its just 0% APR. Pretty crappy when they are pushing the last year of a model, Leaf's are outselling it, and gas keeps dropping. You would figure they would try and push a bit harder.
Correct me if I am wrong but there is still a $2500 fed incentive on the plug in and depending on your state you will receive an additional incentive. State: Incentives for Plug-in Hybrids and Electric Cars | PluginCars.com Fed: 30D. New Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicles – Toyota Motor Sales, S.S.A., Inc.
I don't know where you're located but the $2700 difference sounds a little high for taxes. Many dealers low-ball a price, and them add all of the goofy admin fees and non-optional options afterwards. If the car price is $31,786 'out the door' meaning all taxes paid a license plate and a full tank of gas 'out the door' then they're getting close to a fair price.....depending on what state you call home....it might be a REALLY good price. I'd wait just a little longer, but be careful! Tax refunds start rolling in soon, and car dealers aren't quite as hungry then. Good Luck!
Not really familiar with true-car's operation. Are you saying get the contacts thru TC but wait to buy until the dealer doesn't have to pay TC?
Start with the TrueCar quote as an upper limit. You'll know when the lowest price acceptable to the dealer is reached when you are told. "If you can buy it for that price then go ahead."
When buying a new vehicle, this is my best advice. Fighting Chance New Car Buying Guide - How to get the best deal when you buy or lease a new car. I spent $45 for this before buying my Tacoma last year...best $45 I ever spent. Got back 7 times that just between the best offer and the next-best offer. It takes some reading and research, but very little driving around so you can do it from the comfort of your home. I hate dealing with dealerships and this basically puts you on level footing with the dealers. That is, cars are essentially a commodity (assuming you are in or near a major urban center), so simply decide using PRICE as the main differentiator. If anyone wants more info, I can direct you to some of my posts on the TacomaWorld site. I'm simply a satisfied customer - not a promoter or a sales rep. One more tip...listen to this episode of This American Life - 129 Cars. It was enlightening to me.