Drove daughter to soccer practice last night. Drove home and all fine. Was 30 degrees last night. Got up this morning and noticed the touchscreen, radio and dome lights not working. The trip odometer gets reset to 0 miles when I turn off the car and and turn it back on and when I use the toggle to lock the car the lights do not flash but they do when I unlock the car. I replace blown fuse for dome that controls all these features and it blows immediately. Took dome light out and tried again. Powee, blown again. It seems this is a common complaint but I have yet to read a blog that says what the final fix was for the problem. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Not having a wiring diagram for the gen1 Prius I cannot be positive about this, but try disconnecting the supply to the inverter coolant pump "remove connector at the pump". If that clears the problem the pump is faulty. John (Britprius)
The fuse actually pops when I put it into the fuse spot. Doesn't the car have to be turned on for the inverter to get some kind of power going. Thanks
Don't worry, that never works as well as you think it will anyway, except in the specific case where the thing causing your problem is the same thing that caused the blogger's problem. There is a final fix, but it'll set you back $15 and some poking around. You can download the wiring diagram manual from techinfo.toyota.com, find the specific fuse that you are blowing, and learn which circuits are downstream of that. Pick one to test first, check them until you find what needs fixed, then fix it. Yes, it does. I don't have the diagram in front of me but I don't remember inverter-related circuits being on the same fuse as the dome light anyway. Your note that it pops as soon as you put it in is really useful information, because if you look on the diagram for the stuff downstream of that fuse, if any of those circuits go through the ignition switch, you know the parts downstream of the switch aren't your problem. Hope this helps, -Chap
Roy from canada here - john go to the service manual on page 874 you will find the wiring diagram to help this person. Roy
Hi Chap the wiring diagram is on page 874 of the service manual - please email me at [email protected] and I will give you the information. Roy from Canada
This is Roy from Canada - can you read an electrical drawing? If you can I can send you a picture of the drawing for you to troubleshoot the problem. If you cannot try the following 1) remove the lamp in the trunk ( that isolates the trunk switch and some wiring) if that stops the fuse blowing look to trunk wiring. 2) turn the light switch off that is in the front of the car and the dome light as well, this will stop the body ecu from turning on the lights when the door is opened. This will stop the body ecu from seeing a ground in the dome/trunk system. The dome fuse will probably still blow but the rest of the car will be OK. You will not have a dome, front or trunk light. You will have to find the source of the ground in the wiring(probably the trunk). Roy
Hi Roy, It's true there are partial wiring diagrams included on various pages of the service manual, but the Electrical Wiring Diagram Manual is its own book, 200 pages or so. It includes not only complete circuit diagrams (superset of all the partial ones in the other volumes), but identification of all the connectors, routing of all the harnesses, and a lot of specifically electrical information on how to read it and troubleshoot problems. The two ways you can get it are to order it in book form from Toyota's distributor (about $60) or download it from techinfo.toyota.com (where $15 gets you a two-day access window to collect whatever service info you want). Well worth the money either way. When I say I don't have it in front of me, I don't mean I don't have it - just that it isn't right at hand every time I'm on priuschat. Some days there's time to go get it and look stuff up for other posters, some days there isn't. I do think the manuals are well worth the money (especially at the online price!) for any serious Gen 1 owner to have on hand ... on the forums, then, we can come together to solve the more perplexing problems from a certain common understanding. Cheers, -Chap
Thanks for all the help folks. I really appreciate it!! So I disconnected connector to inverter pump and put a fuse in and it didnt pop and all the stuff inside(radio, dome lights, touch screen) all work now. Definitely my pump right?
Thanks Chap - I will order the paper from Toyota distributor if I cannot buy a pdf wiring manual. I find my pdf service manual handy as it comes with a search engine. If you wish I can send it to you as it is for the 2003 prius. I would like a pdf manual of the wiring diagrams, can this be purchased? The $15 appears you would be downloading forever to get the complete manual. Roy
Hi John- looks like you solved the mystery of the dome light fuse - congratulations. However, the electrical drawing in my manual seem to indicate there is no connection to the inverter pump (unless it is through the body ecu), what do you think is happening?
Hi Chap - ordered paper manual as you suggested. They did not have the 2001 wiring manual but did have 2002 and 2003 . Thanks for the ordering info. Roy from Canada
What I've seen described in posts by others is to sign in, download enough bits to work out the pattern of the download requests, then write a script to do that and have a latte while it finishes the job. I haven't seen myself just how involved that is because I bought the paper manuals, but surely it is what I would try if I wanted online copies. -Chap
Thanks for replying. I thought I had posted that I had bought the manual. Yes you are right. I bought the paper manual - had to buy 2003 as 2001 were sold out cost $78 shipped to my son in the states, would be $105 if shipped to canada plus custom duties. I should get it in a couple of weeks. Roy from Canada
Yup, 2001 manuals appear to be sold out. I could obtain a 2003 Electrical Wiring Diagram manual for US$20 delivered to a US address. I was, however, able to obtain the updated 2001 Service Manual, both parts 1 and 2, for just under US$120, delivered to a "lower 48" address. A necessary resource, for what I am afraid is being treated as an "orphan" product.
Manuals do go out of print ... I have two friends who've both recently picked up used cars (an '05 Pontiac and an '03 Ford) and I haven't been able to give them their paper shop manuals either. The bright side is that all the manufacturers seem to have online offerings similar to techinfo now; in fact, Helm, the 800-pound-gorilla distributor for paper manuals, seems to have fielded their own online system, which is what Ford's using. I've still so far not had any trouble obtaining parts I need for my 14-year-old Gen 1, with Toyota offering some of them in a choice of new or reman, so at the moment it doesn't feel very orphaned to me. -Chap