I just bought a HU which the advertising says it has Sygic GPS. I never heard of it. There are a few references here to this GPS, but nothing substantial. Just wondering your opinions on the program. I downloaded the app onto my iPhone to see what it was like. I'm not sure that the app and the program on the HU are the same, but I figured they have to be close. Personally, I like Google Maps much better. My other question is whether I can change the GPS program on the HU and how easy it will be to do that. It's some cheap HU from Hong Kong, so I'm probably stuck with what I have. But I understand I can update the maps, so that might give me some hope of being able to switch to something else. Thanks. Mike
There is a good chance you can change the GPS but it depends on a few things. First, is the radio running android or wince? I am assuming wince but they get pretty creative with operating systems.
I tested Sygic on my tablet 2.5 years ago and found it to be capable enough, though like all navigation programs/apps, including Google Maps, it has it's problems and idiosyncrasies. I too prefer Google Maps, especially for planning online, but the advantage to Sygic and others is that you can download maps and not have to rely on internet service or use your data allowance. A better place to ask questions about Sygic though might be an Android tablet forum where you're more apt to find users who have it on their tablets.
Unfortunately, I have no idea. I will try to find out and get back to you. I guess not having to rely on the internet or data service is a plus. But only if the Maps can be updated free, because Google maps is free. If it starts to cost money, then I have to re-evaluate. Mike
I already downloaded their app onto my iPhone and attempted to use it. I'm not all that excited about it. However, they have some nice graphics showing the buildings as you approach them, which is a nice touch. Mike
IIRC map updates were free with the Android app back when I tested it. I don't know about their current policy for WinCE, how frequently maps are updated or how good the updates are. We travel a lot, so I have a Garmin Nuvi with lifetime map updates in addition to the Prius built-in navigation. As long as the Prius can find the destinations I get from the Garmin, I probably won't update its maps. I use the Prius because I like the integrated voice directions.
Like all navigation tools, it'll take some time to learn it. I didn't particularly like it, but it was more accurate than many others I tested and I didn't really like any of the apps I tested. The only one that was more accurate and useful from planning to execution was Navigon, but at $60 (I didn't pay that), it was also the most expensive and not worth it IMHO. I don't know how often you travel or how much data you use with Google Maps, but I'd give Sygic a fair try since you already have it. Of course, if you can install Google Maps and afford the data hit, that would be the better deal IMO.
The WinCE systems usually rely on the GPS app running from a .exe file. So technically any gps app made in that fashion should work on your HU. I used to play around with a few different ones and ended up trying and liking iGo Primo. If you search around there are a few sites that offer a ton of info and other options for "WinCE GPS". Since I went to an android HU I don't remember the sites off the top of my head. Feel free to hit me up and I will see if I have some links bookmarked somewhere I can send you.
I think that's what I will do. I'll see if the Sygic maps find everything I need. If not, I'll find something else or just use my iPhone with Google Maps. Good to know that it is accurate. On weekends, I help out a friend with delivering some goods to customers. That's about the only time I use it, but it comes in real handy because I don't know the area very well. I think I'd better check my data usage to make sure I don't get near the max before getting charged. I'll have to do much more searching. I'm not exactly sure about how to change the use of one GPS program to another. But now I know it can be done (from what I deduct from your post is that all I have to do is change the .exe file), I'll look more into this. Thanks. Mike