I'm frustrated by the lack of grip that the cupholders have for the driver and passenger. Does Toyota make a rubber insert that would fit into these and provide better stability for drinks (non-alcoholic that is, unless you're in Texas and then open containers are a-ok)? :wink:
I've wedged napkins and such in there to stablize cups and cans that don't fit well...I do wish there were a better solution. Also, some disposable cups don't fit...I'm thinking of the 40oz Smoothie King cups in particular. All in all I think they're adequate, but not ideal.
not being an owner yet, i can't really say, but from what you are describing, how about some strips of black, self adhesive foam insulation, the kind that goes around doors to seal out drafts? it comes in 1/2" widths and wider, and should stick well to the inside of the plastic cupholder...
I, too, always line the cupholder with a napkin. This provides a snugger fit, but more importantly, absorbs the condensation and inevitable goop that would otherwise migrate to the bottom of the holder. Since you can close the lids to the cupholders, there really isn't any reason not to leave the napkins in the holder afterwards.
Folks for a different view on life and cup holders... This is the first car that my wife and I have owned that actually has cup holders :clap: :clap: :clap:
One-liter bottles of Diet Mt. Dew fit snugly in the flip-top cupholder, but any smaller bottle or can rattles more than I like. I wouldn't mind a commercial adapter if one comes along...
In the '88 Civic DX (221K miles), I just have it balanced on the dashboard. I.e., I don't take drinks in the car. :roll: Yes, they may laugh at us, jchu, but we get the most out of our cars. That's not an inconsiderable environmental contribution right there.
I have a problem with tall, thin cups (e.g. Starbucks' venti cups). One solution, I suppose, would be to pour your drink directly into the cupholder and then suck it out with a long straw (added benefit is having both hands on the wheel!).
i was finally able to toss my top of the line molded plastic $4.99 cup/change/map holder away. It was a devastating event. Actually, I didnt do the actual tossing. I gave the car to my nephew and it went along with the misc trash that was in the car the first time he cleaned it. oh well, the youth of today just dont understand whats important like we did... *sigh*
Try some of the non-slip liner- Just cut a piece the sice of the cup holder and its insides and use it as a filler. You can find in in most drug/hardware stores next to the shelf liners. It will hold anything in that is too small for the cup holder. RVers use it to prevent things from slipping. Camping World non slip liner 8)
Good suggestions thanks..I'm truly hoping that Toyota will make some flexible rubber inserts, rounded out in the middle of course..doesn't it seem strange to have one of the cupholders squared off on an edge. In my roommates Jeep Liberty (don't worry I've convinced him to sell the 17 mpg gas hog), the cupholders were rubber and had "bubbles" in the bottom that would flex depending on the size of the cup you put into it, I'd like something similar in the Prius. I wonder if I could light a fire under Toyota USA to add this to their accessories. I'd be willing to pay a good five dollars a pop. -2004 Silver BC/9-
I have a run-of-the-mill "coozy", one of those soft foam rubber insulators in my fold-out cup holder. Fits perfectly, and both 20oz bottles and cans fit in it, no muss no fuss. Costs about $1.00